Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Essay on Sante Fe Prison Riot - 949 Words
Luisa Sauro September 28, 2011 Introduction to Corrections Term Paper New Mexico Penitentiary Riot Santà © Fe, New Mexico The New Mexico penitentiary in south Santa Fe, New Mexico was no stranger to violence. This penitentiary has seen two riots in its past one July 19, 1922 and the other June 15, 1953, these however were nothing in comparison to the events to come. In the early morning hours of February 2, 1980 two prisoners began what would be recorded as one of the most violent prison riots in the history of the American correctional system. 33 prisoners died, over 200 inmates were injured and 12 correction officers were taken hostage of those 12, seven were badly beaten and raped. The causes of this riot were made†¦show more content†¦The Governor, Bruce King was well aware of the conditions and issues of the prison and warnings of a prison riot went disregarded. Prisoners began by taking control of south-side Dormitory E-2; within minutes the prisoners had taken four more officers in the dorm hostage, a fleeing officer left keys behind which gave the inmates complete access to the main control center, inmate cells, doors and weapons. By midafternoon violent offenders from solitary confinement had been released and the violence h ad gotten out of control. The prisoners had a particular area they could not access, the protective custody area, this area held the mentally ill and vulnerable inmates it included those inmates convicted of sex crimes and yes, those labeled snitches. Armed with blowtorches left by a construction crew, the inmates cut through the bars of the cells and in the early morning of February 3 began so did the brutal slaughter several inmates. Negotiations between inmates and authorities stalled but, eventually the inmates come up with 11 demands which included basic prison conditions like overcrowding, inmate discipline, educational services and improving food. The prisoners also demanded to talk to independent federal officials and members of the news media. In exchange they released the 12 officers held hostage. Some officers were badly beaten and raped but, others were protected by other
Monday, December 16, 2019
Streams of Silver 1. A Dagger at Their Backs Free Essays
string(51) " were an unfortunate side effect of his dabblings\." Book 1. Searches 1. A Dagger at Their Backs He kept his cloak pulled tightly about him, though little light seeped in through the curtained windows, for this was his existence, secretive and alone. We will write a custom essay sample on Streams of Silver 1. A Dagger at Their Backs or any similar topic only for you Order Now The way of the assassin. While other people went about their lives basking in the pleasures of the sunlight and the welcomed visibility of their neighbors, Artemis Entreri kept to the shadows, the dilated orbs of his eyes focused on the narrow path he must take to accomplish his latest mission. He truly was a professional, possibly the finest in the entire realms at his dark craft, and when he sniffed out the trail of his prey, the victim never escaped. So the assassin was unbothered by the empty house that he found in Bryn Shander, the principal city of the ten settlements in the wasteland of Icewind Dale. Entreri had suspected that the halfling had slipped out of Ten-Towns. But no matter; if this was indeed the same halfling that he had sought all the way from Calimport, a thousand miles and more to the south, he had made better progress than he ever could have hoped. His mark had no more than a two-week head start and the trail would be fresh indeed. Entreri moved through the house silently and calmly, seeking hints of the halfling’s life here that would give him the edge in their inevitable confrontation. Clutter greeted him in every room – the halfling had left in a hurry, probably aware that the assassin was closing in. Entreri considered this a good sign, further heightening his suspicions that this halfling, Regis, was the same Regis who had served the Pasha Pook those years ago in the distant southern city. The assassin smiled evilly at the thought that the halfling knew he was being stalked, adding to the challenge of the hunt as Entreri pitted his stalking prowess against his intended victim’s hiding ability. But the end result was predictable, Entreri knew, for a frightened person invariably made a fatal mistake. The assassin found what he was looking for in a desk drawer in the master bedroom. Fleeing in haste, Regis had neglected to take precautions to conceal his true identity. Entreri held the small ring up before his gleaming eyes, studying the inscription that clearly identified Regis as a member of Pasha Pook’s thieves’ guild in Calimport. Entreri closed his fist about the signet, the evil smile widening across his face. â€Å"I have found you, little thief,†he laughed into the emptiness of the room. â€Å"Your fate is sealed. There is nowhere for you to run!†His expression changed abruptly to one of alertness as the sound of a key, in the palatial house’s front door echoed up the hallway of the grand staircase. He dropped the ring into his belt pouch and slipped, as silent as death, to the shadows of the top posts of the stairway’s heavy banister. The large double doors swung open, and a man and a young woman stepped in from the porch ahead of two dwarves. Entreri knew the man, Cassius, the spokesman of Bryn Shander. This had been his home once, but he had relinquished it several months earlier to Regis, after the halfling’s heroic actions in the town’s battle against the evil wizard, Akar Kessell, and his goblin minions. Entreri had seen the other human before, as well, though he hadn’t yet discovered her connection to Regis. Beautiful women were a rarity in this remote setting, and this young woman was indeed the exception. Shiny auburn locks danced gaily about her shoulders, the intense sparkle of her dark blue eyes enough to bind any man hopelessly within their depths. Her name, the assassin had learned, was Catti-brie. She lived with the dwarves in their valley north of the city, particularly with the leader of the dwarven clan, Bruenor, who had adopted her as his own a dozen years before when a goblin raid had left her orphaned. This could prove a valuable meeting, Entreri mused. He cocked an ear through the banister poles to hear the discussion below. â€Å"He’s been gone but a week!†Catti-brie argued. â€Å"A week with no word,†snapped Cassius, obviously upset. â€Å"With my beautiful house empty and unguarded. Why, the front door was unlocked when I came by a few days ago!†â€Å"Ye gave the house to Regis,†Catti-brie reminded the man. â€Å"Loaned!†Cassius roared, though in truth the house had indeed been a gift. The spokesman had quickly regretted turning over to Regis the key to this palace, the grandest house north of Mirabar. In retrospect, Cassius understood that he had been caught up in the fervor of that tremendous victory over the goblins, and he suspected that Regis had lifted his emotions even a step further by using the reputed hypnotic powers of the ruby pendant. Like others who had been duped by the persuasive halfling, Cassius had come to a very different perspective on the events that had transpired, a perspective that painted Regis unfavorably. â€Å"No matter the name ye call it,†Catti-brie conceded, â€Å"ye should not be so hasty to decide that Regis has forsaken the house.†The spokesman’s face reddened in fury. â€Å"Everything out today!†he demanded. â€Å"You have my list. I want all of the halfling’s belongings out of my house! Any that remain when I return tomorrow shall become my own by the rights of possession! And I warn you, I shall be compensated dearly if any of my property is missing or damaged!†He turned on his heel and stormed out the doors. â€Å"He’s got his hair up about this one,†chuckled Fender Mallot, one of the dwarves. â€Å"Never have I seen one whose friends swing from loyalty to hatred more than Regis!†Catti-brie nodded in agreement of Fender’s observation. She knew that Regis played with magical charms, and she figured that his paradoxical relationships with those around him were an unfortunate side effect of his dabblings. You read "Streams of Silver 1. A Dagger at Their Backs" in category "Essay examples" â€Å"Do ye suppose he’s off with Drizzt and Bruenor?†Fender asked. Up the stairs, Entreri shifted anxiously. â€Å"Not to doubt,†Catti-brie answered. â€Å"All winter they’ve been asking him to join in the quest for Mithril Hall, an’ to be sure, Wulfgar’s joining added to the pressure.†â€Å"Then the little one’s halfway to Luskan, or more,†reasoned Fender. â€Å"And Cassius is right in wantin’ his house back.†â€Å"Then let us get to packing,†said Catti-brie. â€Å"Cassius has enough o’ his own without adding to the hoard from Regis’s goods.†Entreri leaned back against the banister. The name of Mithril Hall was unknown to him, but he knew the way to Luskan well enough. He grinned again, wondering if he might catch them before they ever reached the port city. First, though, he knew that there still might be some valuable information to be garnered here. Catti-brie and the dwarves set about the task of collecting the halfling’s belongings, and as they moved from room to room, the black shadow of Artemis Entreri, as silent as death, hovered about them. They never suspected his presence, never would have guessed that the gentle ripple in the drapes was anything more than a draft flowing in from the edges of the window, or that the shadow behind a chair was disproportionately long. He managed to stay close enough to hear nearly all of their conversation, and Catti-brie and the dwarves spoke of little else than the four adventurers and their journey to Mithril Hall. But Entreri learned little for his efforts. He already knew of the halfling’s famed companions – everyone in Ten-Towns spoke of them often: of Drizzt Do’Urden, the renegade drow elf, who had forsaken his dark-skinned people in the bowels of the Realms and roamed the borders of Ten-Towns as a solitary guardian against the intrusions of the wilderness of Icewind Dale; of Bruenor Battlehammer, the rowdy leader of the dwarven clan that lived in the valley near Kelvin’s Cairn; and most of all, of Wulfgar, the mighty barbarian, who was captured and raised to adulthood by Bruenor, returned with the savage tribes of the dale to defend Ten-Towns against the goblin army, then struck up a truce between all the peoples of Icewind Dale. A bargain that had salvaged, and promised to enri ch, the lives of all involved. â€Å"It seems that you have surrounded yourself with formidable allies, halfling,†Entreri mused, leaning against the back of a large chair, as Catti-brie and the dwarves moved into an adjoining room. â€Å"Little help they will offer. You are mine!†Catti-brie and the dwarves worked for about an hour, filling two large sacks, primarily with clothes. Catti-brie was astounded with the stock of possessions Regis had collected since his reputed heroics against Kessell and the goblins – mostly gifts from grateful citizens. Well aware of the halfling’s love of comfort, she could not understand what had possessed him to run off down the road after the others. But what truly amazed her was that Regis hadn’t hired porters to bring along at least a few of his belongings. And the more of his treasures that she discovered as she moved through the palace, the more this whole scenario of haste and impulse bothered her. It was too out of character for Regis. There had to be another factor, some missing element, that she hadn’t yet weighed. â€Å"Well, we got more’n we can carry, and most o’ the stuff anyway!†declared Fender, hoisting a sack over his sturdy shoulder. â€Å"Leave the rest for Cassius to sort, I say!†â€Å"I would no’ give Cassius the pleasure of claiming any of the things,†Catti-brie retorted. â€Å"There may yet be valued items to be found. Two of ye take the sacks back your rooms at the inn. I’ll be finishing the work up here.†â€Å"Ah, yer too good to Cassius,†Fender grumbled. â€Å"Bruenor had him marked right as a man taking too much pleasure in counting what he owns!†â€Å"Be fair, Fender Mallot,†Catti-brie retorted, though her agreeing smile belied any harshness in her tone. â€Å"Cassius served the towns well in the war and has been a fine leader for the people of Bryn Shander. Ye’ve seen as well as meself that Regis has a talent for putting up a cat’s fur!†Fender chuckled in agreement. â€Å"For all his ways of gettin’ what he wants, the little one has left a row or two of ruffled victims!†He patted the other dwarf on the shoulder and they headed for the main door. â€Å"Don’t ye be late, girl,†Fender called back to Catti-brie. â€Å"We’re to the mines again. Tomorrow, no later!†â€Å"Ye fret too much, Fender Mallot!†Catti-brie said, laughing. Entreri considered the last exchange and again a smile widened across his face. He knew well the wake of magical charms. The â€Å"ruffled victims†that Fender had spoken of described exactly the people that Pasha Pook had duped back in Calimport. People charmed by the ruby pendant. The double doors closed with a bang. Catti-brie was alone in the big house – or so she thought. She was still pondering Regis’s uncharacteristic disappearance. Her continued suspicions that something was wrong, that some piece of the puzzle was missing, began to foster within her the sense that something was wrong here in the house, as well. Catti-brie suddenly became aware of every noise and shadow around her. The â€Å"click-click†of a pendulum clock. The rustle of papers on a desk in front of an open window. The swish of drapes. The scutterings of a mouse within the wooden walls. Her eyes darted back to the drapes, still trembling slightly from their last movement. It could have been a draft through a crack in the window, but the alert woman suspected differently. Reflexively dropping to a crouch and reaching for the dagger on her hip, she started toward the open doorway a few feet to the side of the drapes. Entreri had moved quickly. Suspecting that more could yet be learned from Catti-brie, and not willing to pass up the opportunity offered by the dwarves’ departure, he had slipped into the most favorable position for an attack and now waited patiently atop the narrow perch of the open door, balanced as easily as a cat on a window sill. He listened for her approach, his dagger turning over casually in his hand. Catti-brie sensed the danger as soon as she reached the doorway and saw the black form dropping to her side. But as quick as her reactions were, her own dagger was not halfway from its sheath before the thin fingers of a cool hand had clamped over her mouth, stifling a cry, and the razored edge of a jeweled dagger had creased a light line on her throat. She was stunned and appalled. Never had she seen a man move so quickly, and the deadly precision of Entreri’s strike unnerved her. A sudden tenseness in his muscles assured her that if she persisted in drawing her weapon, she would be dead long before she could use it. Releasing the hilt, she made no further move to resist. The assassin’s strength also surprised her as he easily lifted her to a chair. He was a small man, slender as an elf and barely as tall as she, but every muscle on his compact frame was toned to its finest fighting edge. His very presence exuded an aura of strength and an unshakable confidence. This, too, unnerved Catti-brie, because it wasn’t the brash cockiness of an exuberant youngster, but the cool air of superiority of one who had seen a thousand fights and had never been bested. Catti-brie’s eyes never turned from Entreri’s face as he quickly tied her to the chair. His angular features, striking cheekbones and a strong jaw line, were only sharpened by the straight cut of his raven black hair. The shadow of beard that darkened his face appeared as if no amount of shaving could ever lighten it. Far from unkempt, though, everything about the man spoke of control. Catti-brie might even have considered him handsome, except for his eyes. Their gray showed no sparkle. Lifeless, devoid of any hint of compassion or humanity, they marked this man as an instrument of death and nothing more. â€Å"What do ye want o’ me?†Catti-brie asked when she mustered the nerve. Entreri answered with a stinging slap across her face. â€Å"The ruby pendant!†he demanded suddenly. â€Å"Does the halfling still wear the ruby pendant?†Catti-brie fought to stifle the tears welling in her eyes. She was disoriented and off guard and could not respond immediately to the man’s question. The jeweled dagger flashed before her eyes and slowly traced the circumference of her face. â€Å"I have not much time,†Entreri declared flatly. â€Å"You will tell me what I need to know. The longer it takes you to answer, the more pain you will feel.†His words were calm and spoken with honesty. Catti-brie, toughened under Bruenor’s own tutelage, found herself unnerved. She had faced and defeated goblins before, even a horrid troll once, but this collected killer terrified her. She tried to respond, but her trembling jaw would allow no words. The dagger flashed again. â€Å"Regis wears it!†Catti-brie shrieked, a tear tracing a solitary line down each of her cheeks. Entreri nodded and smiled slightly. â€Å"He is with the dark elf, the dwarf, and the barbarian,†he said matter-of-factly. â€Å"And they are on the road to Luskan. And from there, to a place called Mithril Hall. Tell me of Mithril Hall, dear girl.†He scraped the blade on his own cheek, its fine edge poignantly clearing a small patch of beard. â€Å"Where does it lie?†Catti-brie realized that her inability to answer would probably spell her end. â€Å"I-I know not,†she stammered boldly, regaining a measure of the discipline that Bruenor had taught her, though her eyes never left the glint of the deadly blade. â€Å"A pity,†Entreri replied. â€Å"Such a pretty face†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Please,†Catti-brie said as calmly as she could with the dagger moving toward her. â€Å"Not a one knows! Not even Bruenor! To find it is his quest.†The blade stopped suddenly and Entreri turned his head to the side, eyes narrowed and all of his muscles taut and alert. Catti-brie hadn’t heard the turn of the door handle, but the deep voice of Fender Mallot echoing down the hallway explained the assassin’s actions. â€Å"‘Ere, where are ye, girl?†Catti-brie tried to yell, â€Å"Run!†and her own life be damned, but Entreri’s quick backhand dazed her and drove the word out as an indecipherable grunt. Her head lolling to the side, she just managed to focus her vision as Fender and Grollo, battle-axes in hand, burst into the room. Entreri stood ready to meet them, jeweled dagger in one hand and a saber in the other. For an instant, Catti-brie was filled with elation. The dwarves of Ten-Towns were an iron-fisted battalion of hardened warriors, with Fender’s prowess in battle among the clan second only to Bruenor’s. Then she remembered who they faced, and despite their apparent advantage, her hopes were washed away by a wave of undeniable conclusions. She had witnessed the blur of the assassin’s movements, the uncanny precision of his cuts. Revulsion welling in her throat, she couldn’t even gasp for the dwarves to flee. Even had they known the depths of the horror in the man standing before them, Fender and Grollo would not have turned away. Outrage blinds a dwarven fighter from any regard for personal safety, and when these two saw their beloved Catti-brie bound to the chair, their charge at Entreri came by instinct. Fueled by unbridled rage, their first attacks roared in with every ounce of strength they could call upon. Conversely, Entreri started slowly, finding a rhythm and allowing the sheer fluidity of his motions to build his momentum. At times he seemed barely able to parry or dodge the ferocious swipes. Some missed their mark by barely an inch, and the near hits spurred Fender and Grollo on even further. But even with her friends pressing the attack, Catti-brie understood that they were in trouble. Entreri’s hands seemed to talk to each other, so perfect was the complement of their movements as they positioned the jeweled dagger and saber. The synchronous shufflings of his feet kept him in complete balance throughout the melee. His was a dance of dodges, parries, and counterslashes. His was a dance of death. Catti-brie had seen this before, the telltale methods of the finest swordsman in all of Icewind Dale. The comparison to Drizzt Do’Urden was inescapable; their grace and movements were so alike, with every part of their bodies working in harmony. But they remained strikingly different, a polarity of morals that subtly altered the aura of the dance. The drow ranger in battle was an instrument of beauty to behold, a perfect athlete pursuing his chosen course of righteousness with unsurpassed fervor. But Entreri was merely horrifying, a passionless murderer callously disposing of obstacles in his path. The initial momentum of the dwarves’ attack began to diminish now, and both Fender and Grollo wore a look of amazement that the floor was not yet red with their opponent’s blood. But while their attacks were slowing, Entreri’s momentum continued to build. His blades were a blur, each thrust followed by two others that left the dwarves rocking back on their heels. Effortless, his movements. Endless, his energy. Fender and Grollo maintained a solely defensive posture, but even with all of their efforts devoted to blocking, everyone in the room knew that it was only a matter of time before a killing blade slipped through. Catti-brie didn’t see the fatal cut, but she saw vividly the bright line of blood that appeared across Grollo’s throat. The dwarf continued fighting for a few moments, oblivious to the cause of his inability to find his breath. Then, startled, Grollo dropped to his knees, grasping his throat, and gurgled into the blackness of death. Fury spurred Fender beyond his exhaustion. His axe chopped and cut wildly, screaming for revenge. Entreri toyed with him, actually carrying the charade so, far as to slap him on the side of the head with the flat of the saber. Outraged, insulted, and fully aware that he was overmatched, Fender launched himself into a final, suicidal, charge, hoping to bring the assassin down with him. Entreri sidestepped the desperate lunge with an amused laugh, and ended the fight, driving the jeweled dagger deep into Fender’s chest, and following through with a skull-splitting slash of the saber as the dwarf stumbled by. Too horrified to cry, too horrified to scream, Catti-brie watched blankly as Entreri retrieved the dagger from Fender’s chest. Certain of her own impending death, she closed her eyes as the dagger came toward her, felt its metal, hot from the dwarf’s blood, flat on her throat. And then the teasing scrape of its edge against her soft, vulnerable skin as Entreri slowly turned the blade over in his hand. Tantalizing. The promise, the dance of death. Then it was gone. Catti-brie opened her eyes just as the small blade went back into its scabbard on the assassin’s hip. He had taken a step back from her. â€Å"You see,†he offered in simple explanation of his mercy, â€Å"I kill only those who stand to oppose me. Perhaps, then, three of your friends on the road to Luskan shall escape the blade. I want only the halfling.†Catti-brie refused to yield to the terror he evoked. She held her voice steady and promised coldly, â€Å"You underestimate them. They will fight you.†With calm confidence, Entreri replied, â€Å"Then they, too, shall die.†Catti-brie couldn’t win in a contest of nerves with the dispassionate killer. Her only answer to him was her defiance. She spat at him, unafraid of the consequences. He retorted with a single stinging backhand. Her eyes blurred in pain and welling tears, and Catti-brie slumped into blackness. But as she fell unconscious, she heard a few seconds longer, the cruel, passionless laughter fading away as the assassin moved from the house. Tantalizing. The promise of death. How to cite Streams of Silver 1. A Dagger at Their Backs, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Woolworth’s Marketing Analysis Samples for Students †MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Woolworths Marketing Analysis. Answer: Mission and Vision The firms mission is to deliver to customers the right shopping experience each and every time. In so doing, the firm provides customers with quality, value, and everyday low priced products in its retail business while ensuring the safety of the customers and its staff. Woolworths vision is to maintain and enhance its retail business, offering top quality to customers, greater convenience, value for money, a wide range of products, low price and high-end services (Woolworths, 2016). The company achieves this by committing to deliver unique and best quality of products to its customers. Anyone coming across the brand name of the firm relates it to the quality delivered and therefore attracts customers and retains them in its retail business. Situation Analysis Woolworths SWOT Analysis Strength The firms strong brand name as a market leader in the Australias retail industry gives it the ability to compete favorably with the rest. At the same time, the firm enjoys a strong resource base of technological and human resource in the industry. The firm uses cost-effective and efficient means of reducing packaging thus reduces waste. Weakness The firms growth strategy has a focus on the global scene thereby limiting its growth at the local level. Opportunity The retail industry in the country is promising coupled by the development in the supply chain, increased consumer expenditure, and increase in population presents opportunity for the firm. The availability of multi-option enables the firm to cope up with diversified needs of its customers. Threats Competition from high end retailers such as Cole Supermarkets presents a threat to the market dominance of the firm. At the same time, the government intervention by enacting competition policies reduces the marketability for the firm as it opens up competition from other small-scale retailers. Customers Customers remain a valuable asset for the retail firm, who base on convenience and savings. Therefore, the firm serves a huge base of customers from all ages and has outlets in diverse locations thereby capturing a significant number of customers. Suppliers Timely and effective supply is important in the retail industry where suppliers deliver goods for the firm. Woolworth has a wide network of suppliers who help deliver goods for the customers each week that find themselves on their shelves. The firm has a good inventory system where products are ordered before diminishing thereby maintaining ready products at the shelf. Competitors The firm faces some competitors in the industry with new entrants to the firm as well as the existing ones. Some of the major competitors include Wesfarmers Limited, Alde and Metcash Limited. The competitors set the firm on the motion in efforts to reward customers in a bid to draw loyalty and long term relation with the buyers. In turn, the customers receive utmost services and high quality goods. PESTEL Analysis The category involves other factors affecting the firm in the retail industry. Political The political environment affects the operations of the company in the country as well as the region. For instance, the launch of the policies on competition eliminating competition limits the growth and dominance of the firm since it increases the number of players in the sector diluting the target market. Economic The economy of nations and the international scene affects business productivity. In this respect, a decline in the economic market reduces the number of customers visiting the store thereby limiting the profits of the company. At the same time, the fluctuation in the currency rates affects the importation of goods. Social Woolworth as a business is tasked to remain socially responsible to its environment where customers become accustomed to businesses that are responsible, in this respect, the firm has to contribute to the society to remain profitable in a given area of operation. Technology Technology plays a significant role in the retail industry where it affects the supply chain positively depending on the method applied. Woolworths uses technology in its supply chain management and refrigeration system increasing its storage facility and capability. MarketingResearch Information Marketing is a concept that needs a close analysis to determine how and when to approach a given market for a particular product in increasing the attainment of the target population. Information on consumer patterns can be obtained from a variety of sources. For instance, the firm obtains most of its information from the marketing bureau, observing consumer purchase patterns, online media, surveys, and advertisement response to the actual sales (Hair and Lukas, 2014). The firm carries out a survey on social media on its customers on the preference and adjusts its marketing efforts to suit the needs of the customers. Besides, it uses the market performance statistics on different firms performance in the end year results to ascertain its competitors in the industry. Once the firm determines the inflow of customers, it becomes easy to determine whether a firm is thriving or being set down in the retail sector. Through the medium, the firm can evaluate its competitors according to the profits and customer retention ability. The context of the business is changing with the invention of the social media marketing where most of the customers exist. Therefore, the market target has shifted to theonline marketing and bears a huge meaning to the market research and intelligence needed by Woolworths. The fan pages on the social media for different businesses form a useful tool essential for gathering statistical information on the preference patterns of individuals. Through this, the firm can develop strategies to implement similar or alternative measures to combat the competition offered by the competitors and improving on the strategies that work for the organization (Zikmund, Babin, Carr Griffin, 2013). Customers issue their queries and likes based on the services and products delivered to the clients. In this respect, the firm can gather information on the products with a huge following and make necessary requirements to push the non-performing products through marketing. Aldi and Metcash Supermarket are the largest competitor of the firm where it sales similar products and marketing strategies that attract a huge following by its customers. There are other small retail outlets in the region but lack a strong brand name and presence to push its products. The three firms are the largest in dominance in the retail sector which keep competing for the ever growing population. Therefore, the firm puts in efforts to avert the competition posed by the firm. The collaborators assist firms in determining the sales potential of different firms since some of the collaborator's supply products in diverse outlets in the retail sector. In this respect, the collaborators assist in determining the competition level by relaying information on the sales of different firms to the investors thereby enabling Woolworths to determine where to increase its marketing. At the same time, the information relayed can be used to know the potential threats and implement the necessary strategies to overcome the crisis. Suppliers play a huge role by advertising their products while disclosing the location of stores where the products remain available. In some cases, some goods up for an introduction to the market are advertised from the Woolworths stores thereby growing the brand recognition for specific products. On the other hand, the suppliers enjoy product marketing through the wide stock existent in the Woolworths stores. Developing Market Strategy Target Market Market development refers to the efforts incurred in increasing sales by promoting the sale of current products to a new target market. The goal of a marketing strategy is to identify and cease a target market for its products and services. In this case, one has to select a target market that attracts the largest batch of individuals using the four ps of marketing such as product, place, price, and promotion. There are three core strategies that the firm can use in selecting the target market. Since the firm sells general products that can be used and consumed by a diverse group of people, it can use the three strategies to tap into the Australian Market. The Multi-Segment Targeting The strategy is essential in achieving a large target where the individuals on focus come from a different market segment (Diamond, Diamond Litt, 2015). The strategy offers a variety of benefits to the firm since it reaches a wide target of individuals thereby promoting the same firm by increasing its brand name. Woolworth has a large target market featuring both the vegetarian and non-vegetarians where it has to cater for the needs of both groups. In this case, it conducts separate marketing efforts to achieve a large customer base of both the vegetarians and non-vegetarians. Since an overall advertisement fails to appeal to both parties at a go, the firm has to carry out a separate target market segmentation to capture the loyalty of both groups. However, the method involves huge finance since the management has to engage in separate research efforts to yield benefits for the firm. Undifferentiated Targeting According to Babin Zikmund (2015), target marketing strategy involves the use of a single marketing channel reaching a diverse group of people. Since the firm trades in general goods useful to a diverse group of people such as youths, children, and the elderly, a single strategy is essential in this case. Products such as drinks appeal to a diverse population and can go without bias. Therefore, it is essential to use a single method in advertising the products that appeal to the general population. The firm enjoys the strategy in reaching out to a population that consumes drinks regardless of their differences. Concentrated Targeting The approach is centered on the selection of a specific target market such as the youth and focuses on the needs of the group and satisfies them through product offering (Boone, Kurtz, 2013). Focusing on a single segment enables the firm to select the needs and carry out a marketing research on the product that can satisfy the group (Kotler, Burton, Deans, Brown Armstrong, 2015). Therefore, the firm uses the strategy in targeting the older population who have a like for the farm fresh products with less chemical composition and offer the same in their store. Value Proposition to the Target Market The firm prides itself in the provision of fresh food to its customers coupled with the excellent customer focused services at the sales point. In this case, the firm caters to the needs of the buyers and treats them well both while making orders and when being served at the on location stores. In its marketing, the firm uses the same to propel its name and services to the population and therefore promises the same in its marketing efforts. The firm, in its marketing message, promises a return of the fresh products for the fresh food people coupled with top-notch customer services which increase value to the lives of the customers (Woolworths, 2016). Customers at Woolworth remain a central focus towards its growth and therefore use a diverse set of options to attain the same. Attaining a new target population requires an explanation of the benefits that the new market shall derive and value remains one of the most beneficial avenues towards capturing a wide target market (Gordon, 201 2). Positioning Statement As a firm focused on the grocery business among others, Woolworths uses a strong statement, Fresh Food People which appeals to a wide population especially those opposed to the factory produced foods. In this case, health concerned individuals would find themselves being loyal customers to the shop since its business deals with bringing back fresh food people. The world is full of factory produced food raising health concerns leading to the demand for fresh food to the population. In this case, the strong brand name sells in the market attracting a diverse group of individuals to the business. The statement captures Woolworths essence of uniqueness and greatness through its legacy right from the suppliers, those rearing, and the staff who serve who fresh food to its clients. The firm uses the statement on the media, online, street adverts and promotion, as well as in the mainstream media. Marketing Mix Strategies Woolworths utilizes all the four elements of marketing using the product, price, place, and promotion to make its brand more relevant in the market. In the process, each element is used separately or interconnected to yield the desired results to the firm. Product Product refers to how best a commodity has been prepared to meet the needs of the customers. Woolworth focuses on offering high-quality products to the clients by positioning the products as either healthy or wholesome product hence appealing to the target market. The firm has clearly identified the needs of the consumers and catered for the same through the provision of quality products. For instance, the grocery department caters for the needs of the health-conscious buyers in need of fresh food and delivers the best quality. At the same time, the products are of high quality and cost effective to the clients. The superior quality control on its products is responsible for the great value it delivers to the clients (Jager, 2007). Since customers desire to have value for their money, the right product enables a return purchase situation essential for a firms growth. Therefore, the firm uses a strong product as a marketing tool for its products in the market. Pricing Pricing is a marketing strategy aimed at attracting more customers to a business segment. Price and quality are single factors that can attract a large client base to a given firms product and hence have to be catered as marketing tools (Jager, 2007). Woolworth makes good use of pricing strategy and monitors and changes the same according to the prevailing economic conditions. During promotion activities, the firm lowers the price of selected products up for sale during a given period or season. Creating discount on price through price reduction broadens a customer base thereby resulting in a high revenue experience (Pride Ferrell, 2016). The firm compares several outlets and uses the pricing strategy to remain profitable as well as attracting new clients to its business model. Woolworths believes in creating value to drive the success potential through a large population scenario. The innovative strategy shall help the firm to create, retain, and ensure a repeat purchase coupled by its high-quality goods. Therefore, pricing is a necessary factor to be considered while making marketing decisions. Place Place is a marketing tool that relates to the area that a product has been placed for sale. Choosing the right location for a product guarantees a quick response and attracting new and existent clients (Jager, 2007). Woolworths is strategic in the location of its outlet stores as it places them in convenient areas for the customers who remain accessible and easily located by by-passers. At the same time, the stores are located on high traffic location areas to attract the largest number of people. Customers learning of the stores from an advertisement have an easy time locating them since the direction is clear and stores at a convenient place. In addition, the firm has gone digital and invented online stores where clients can make a series of orders and have them delivered to their address or make a collection after the required products have been packaged according to customers preference. In addition, the firm has developed an application where customers can check for products and make inquiries on a product before making a purchase. All these efforts point to the possibility of marketing the firm against its competitors who evolve every day. Promotion Promotion is a real-time marketing tool that increases information on given products or services on sale by a firm. Promotion can be done through product bundling where less known goods are packed with selling products as long as they match in the use. At the same time, promotion can be done through advertisement over the media and the online media where a multitude of people are reached. Customers making purchases experience promotion where free giveaways exist on selected purchases according to the season. Reward to customers through offering caps, t-shirts, and pens branded with the firms slogan or logo acts as a marketing tool for the firm (Crouch Housden, 2012). The firm conducts selected promotion activities to increase the knowledge of its stores and brand. As customers wear the caps, it helps spreads the word in diverse locations of residence thereby increasing awareness of the stores attracting more to the business Recommendation Woolworth is a popular retail chain that has the potential of thriving even in the wake of the recent competition. Therefore, I recommend the firm to increase its product quality and never compromise on quality to its customers. Quality delivers value and increases the probability of attracting and retaining new target market. Besides, the use of promotions such as road shows and participation in social events would increase the brand recognition of the firm and attract a new target market to its business. The firm has a well-placed location of its stores offline with the invention of the online store. In this case, the firm has to ensure quality interaction and response to customer query for the online model to increase such purchases. Lastly, the firm has to remain alerted of the price changes and utilize the strategy well in attracting customers who are focused on value for money which is evidently present in the selected store. By so doing, the firm shall attain a large target ma rket, promote value to the clients, and yield profits for its business. References Babin, B. J., Zikmund, W. G. (2015). Essentials of marketing research. Nelson Education. Boone, L. E., Kurtz, D. L. (2013). Contemporary marketing. Cengage learning. Crouch, S., Housden, M. (2012). Marketing research for managers. Routledge. Diamond, J., Diamond, E., Litt, S. (2015). Fashion retailing: a multi-channel approach. Bloomsbury Publishing USA. Gordon, R. (2012). Re-thinking and re-tooling the social marketing mix. Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ), 20(2), 122-126. Hair Jr, J. F., Lukas, B. (2014). Marketing research. McGraw-Hill Education Australia. Jager, W. (2007). The four P's in social simulation, a perspective on how marketing could benefit from the use of social simulation. Journal of Business Research, 60(8), 868-875. Kotler, P., Burton, S., Deans, K., Brown, L., Armstrong, G. (2015). Marketing. Pearson Higher Education AU. Pride, W., Ferrell, O. C. (2016). Foundations of marketing. Nelson Education. Woolworths. (2016). Woolworth Supermarkets. Retrieved from https://www.woolworths.com.au/ Zikmund, W. G., Babin, B. J., Carr, J. C., Griffin, M. (2013). Business research methods. Cengage Learning.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Snapdeals Journey from Deal-a-Day Site to India Essay Example
Snapdeals Journey from Deal-a-Day Site to India Essay Snapdeal’s Journey from Deal-a-day Site to India’s Largest Online Marketplace E-commerce, in the popular sense, can be defined as: the use of the Internet and the Web to conduct business transactions. A more technical definition would be: e-commerce involves digitally enabled commercial transactions between and among organizations and individuals. Ecommerce differs from e-business in that no commercial transaction, an exchange of value across organizational or individual boundaries, takes place in e-business. E-business is the digital enablement of transactions and processes within a firm and therefore does not include any exchange in value. E-commerce and e-business intersect at the business firm boundary at the point where internal business systems link up with suppliers. For instance, e-business turns into e-commerce when an exchange of value occurs across firm boundaries. Introduction Snapdeal is an ecommerce company headquartered in New Delhi, India. This online retail firm was founded by Karun Bahl, a Wharton graduate and Rohit Bansal, alumnus of IIT Delhi, in February 2010. Their website Snapdeal. om features a wide range of products and services from thousands of national, international and regional brands with a wide assortment of products across categories like mobiles, electronics, fashion accessories, apparel and footwear, kids, home and kitchen, sports, books, restaurants, entertainment and spas amongst others. Snapdeal has become a shopping destination for millions of online users across the country. Snapdeal enables small and medium sized retailers to cost effectively acquire hundreds of customers by offering discount deals at their establishments through its online e-commerce platform. We will write a custom essay sample on Snapdeals Journey from Deal-a-Day Site to India specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Snapdeals Journey from Deal-a-Day Site to India specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Snapdeals Journey from Deal-a-Day Site to India specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This leads to cost savings on the marketing side and leads to more brand awareness. History Snapdeal was started in February 2010 by Karun Bahl, a Wharton graduate and Rohit Bansal, alumnus of IIT Delhi. Snapdeal. com started as a daily deal platform. It was essentially a Group buying or crowd bargaining site which offered deals and discounts on restaurants, spas, car wash, etc. Snapdeal charged a marketing fee from the retailer for every deal sold on the portal. Bargain Website Model The services are usually for registered customers, who are informed of the deals through emails and text messages every day. The system works like this. A local store, a fashion chain or a restaurant approaches the bargain website with its best deals, and the bargain website in turn offers or sometimes auctions them to its members for a nominal amount to be paid upfront through a debit or a credit card. Customers get their coupons either through email or in the form of a text message or both. The retailers pay a stipulated amount  or a commission  for every redeemed coupon to the website. Group buying sites benefit from a relatively simple minimum number of buyers. The limited time period creates a sense of urgency, prompting impulse purchases. All interested buyers must provide their credit card information, but are only charged if the deal goes live. Little money is locked up in working capital because the group buying website either bills the entire amount of the purchase upfront and retains a commission before passing the rest of the payment onto the merchant, or charges a token amount and directs the user to pay the rest at the merchants site. If the deal does not materialize, the group buying site isnt stuck with any back inventory because the discounted service or item is sourced at the participating business. Buyers receive vouchers for their purchases via e-mail or text message and they have anywhere from one to three months to redeem the offer. Snapdeal’s idea was to give consumers a better price through deals if they purchase in greater numbers; and that was the basic premise of group buying websites that had emerged in India and in other parts of the world. According to Bahl, Jasper-owned group buying sites in general accumulated 350,000 registered users in just over six months of operations. This was proved right when Googles DoubleClick advertising arm posted the number of unique visitors for Indian group buying siteSnapDeal as 290,000 for the end of August 2010. IT for Differentiation In an effort to drastically improve the customer experience of its 4 lakhs subscriber base Snapdeal launched a revamped website which was far superior in terms of technology and performance. The new website, which was built on the latest technologies like Servlet 3. 0, had enhanced security and was highly scalable. The website load time is less than 2 sec. While being extremely advanced technologically, the website continued to be a user friendly interface, which helped it break the clutter among the otherwise similar looking group buying websites. This helped Snapdeal in becoming the largest group buying website with 65% transactional market by September, 2010, reaching a remarkable milestone of selling one coupon every minute on their website. The seven-month-old ventures revenues were increasing at 150 per cent month-on-month. Offering discounts of up to 95 per cent, SnapDeal. com used to its advantage the huge pile of distress inventory accumulated by retailers. It featured more than 2,000 retailers such as Ferns amp; Petals, Indiahikes, Fitness Studio, Bikanervala, Future Bazaar and XtremeSports Bar. The company received2,000 vouchers from one merchant in a day sometimes and was able to offer one new deal a day from each of the 30 cities it has a presence in. Each deal stayed on the site for not more than three days. According to Mr. Bahl, retailers of these services suffered from distress perishable inventory of as high as 80 per cent, and it worked for them to give heavy discounts to be able to offload the inventory within the expiry period. By the end of November 2010, the e-commerce phenomenon in India had a new Poster boy from obscurity 9 months back to becoming one of Indias most visited site Snapdeal. com had come a long way in a short span. By December 2010, Snapdeal was offering deals in four areas including dining, personal care, entertainment and travel. There was a tremendous response from various merchants as well. 90% of the service providers who had been featured on Snapdeal. com wanted to use the service again to attract customers. For the local retail services, it acted as a powerful performance based marketing channel to acquire new customers, while reaching out to a large base of prospective customers, without spending anything upfront on branding or advertising. And this channel was not restricted to small businesses alone. For instance, Carnation, which is Mr. Jagdish Khattars one-stop-shop retailer for cars, acquired 5000+ customers through SnapDeal in a span of 3 days. Many other merchants have had similar experiences. The e-commerce platform had worked wonders not only for Snapdeal, but also for many of its clients who were able to attract a huge set of new customers. In less than one year, it reached a subscriber base of 1 million attracting a $12 million investment round, led by Nexus Venture Partners and Indo-US Venture Partners. And the subsequent round of funding a few months later helped it raise another $ 40 million. Mobile commerce also proved to be an asset for Snapdeal. Another reason for the site’s rapid growth in 2011 came from its recently launched products deals business, in which Snapdeal sold branded lifestyle products, like fashion accessories, electronics, apparel, etc. at significant discounts. The products business was doubling each month and within three months accounted for 15 percent of Snapdeal’s total business. Its big idea was to move into products by taking its existing experience in local deals and combining it with a wide array of personalized product deals, especially in lifestyle e-commerce. This was the first step for Snapdeal towards the transformation to an online marketplace. In 2012, Snapdeal announced its foray into the ‘brand stores’ concept in which the company aimed to be an enabler for the thousands of local retailers who couldn’t reach out to the growing masses buying online. Each store had a login and a password for managing the assortment. Brands were able to decide the look and feel of their page, customize product selection, and manage promotions and exclusive launches. The Snapdeal platform was akin to multiple single-brand stores, many of these international. Regulatory issues would not apply to Snapdeal, as it was a marketing platform like eBay, and transactions carried out here were between merchants and customers; hence, following a ‘Zero Inventory’ model. The company also broadened its 200-category strong product portfolio  from one with mobile phones and laptops to one that offers fashion apparel as well. Now, it had moved from being India’s largest group buying website to being a competitor of the Indian online retail major Flipkart. What is an Online Marketplace? Market: An interaction mechanism where the participants establish deals (trades) to exchange goods and services for monetary payments (i. e. quantities of standard currency). Marketplace: In fundamental terms, a marketplace is nothing but a group of markets. Technically, a marketplace is the space (actual, virtual or metaphorical) in which a market operates. Online marketplace (or online ecommerce marketplace) is an ecommerce website. The product and is provided by the third parties, and the transactions are processes by the marketplace operator. Online marketplaces are the primary type of multichannel ecommerce. The transactions are delivered and fulfilled by the participating retailers or wholesalers. An online marketplace offers products from a wide array of providers. Hence, the selection is usually wider, availability is higher, and prices are more competitive (compared to vendor-specific online retail stores). SnapDeal’s Marketing Strategy In the beginning, the only form of marketing for Snapdeal was through social media, mainly Facebook, Twitter and various blogs. By the end of 2010, using radio, TV and even sponsorships, Snapdeal had managed to warm the hearts of an otherwise hard-to-sell internet-wary society. Snapdeal plans to drive marketing through ‘Analytics’ in order to move from mass media campaigns and focus more on data driven marketing techniques that ensure every rupee of marketing spend is measured. This helps them to analyze the buying behavior of the consumer and pitch a product to the target consumer accordingly. Latest Developments at Snapdeal Traffic Rankings According to Alexa the web traffic analytics company Snapdeal is 37th most popular website in India and 557th in the world as on July 2013. Most of the users are male aged between 18 to 26 years. Company is eying sales growth of over 2000 crore in 2013-2104. Snapdeal Vs Flipkart Snapdeal from the start of 2013 is catching up with India’s most popular ecommerce website Flipkart. Page views per user the metric which tells user engagement with the website is around 5. 5 for Snapdeal (increase of 1. 5 pageview per user from 2012) if we take last 6 months average, same is around 8 for Flipkart. Average time spent per user on website has also increased from 5mins to little over 6 mins which is a positive sign. There is good amount of competition between Flipkart and Snapdeal and users usually visit both of these website before making a decision to buy. Logistics They also have a shipping platform called Safeship, which has integrated large number of local and national courier companies so that there is no burden on the sellers to find a courier service. Sellers can track and manage movement of product by themselves. SnapDeal provides Cash on Delivery and EMI options which has got lot of favour from Indians as lot of them don’t have credit/debit cards, and those who have are sceptical of using them online. With the advent of interest free EMI option lot of Indians who don’t have immediate cash can use this option to pay principal and the interest in easy instalments. Snapdeal on Mobile Snapdeal has launched its mobile app both on GooglePlay for free. Through this app user can easily see mobile version of website as an app on their smartphones, improved search lets you narrow down search using sort and refine. Snapdeal hopes to increase its customer base as more and more people are using tablets and smartphones now days. App can identify user location and give customized deals for user of that city. Snapdeal User Reviews for Products Buyers can now review products by adding comments and stars against the items they purchase. Pros, Cons, and average rating lets the prospective buyers decide on various parameters before the make the purchase. Comments also engage buyers as they feel the part of the system and Indians are always good at reviewing. Social Media Integration Users can now share the products they like or buy on their favourite social networks like Facebook, Google Plus, and Twitter. These external links provide fresh web traffic to Snapdeal. TrustPay TrustPay protects customers with a 100% moneyback guarantee if there is any issue with product quality, size or delivery. Trustpay payment system can be used by other online retailers to connect to global payment systems of Visa/Mastercard. Snapdeal has filed for intellectual property protection for Trust pay because of the potential it has. Zero Inventory model Company does not hold inventory which has become important for any company operating in India as India has large supply side, which gives Snapdeal opportunity to collaborate with this unorganized and large supply side without making investments in Inventory. Also for large inventory one needs to hire thousands of people. Large logistics area, and high operating costs are incurred. Marketplace model also benefits when a seller wants to sell his unsold items quickly, which otherwise on retail malls can take considerable time. Most Lovable City: Online Campaign Snapdeal initiated mylovecapital campaign where people voted for their most loved city on the eve of Valentine’s Day of 2013. Voting for the event began on February 4 and the website recorded votes from people across the country. Delhi emerged winner with 53,174 votes followed by Mumbai with 49,010 votes and Srinagar with 29,047 votes from all over India on its website mylovecapital. com. It was an endeavour to bring back positivity and love for ur country, cities and its people. To publicize the event various videos were also uploaded on youtube. Anshuman, actor and singer campaigned for Chandigarh and Delhi, while stars such as Saniamirza campaigned for Hyderabad. Some major achievements for SnapDeal. com Snapdeal Buys Sports amp; Fitness Equipment E-com Startup eSportsBuy E-commerce firm Jasper I nfotech Pvt Ltd, which runs the daily deals and now horizontal e-com site Snapdeal. com, has acquired eSportsBuy. com, an online retailer of sports and fitness equipment and accessories. eSportsBuy was started in 2011 by IIT Delhi alumni Prateek Agarwal and Amit Monga. Snapdeal already stocks some sports equipment but these are not showcased as a separate category (we found badminton racquets featured in the ‘Kids amp; Toys’ category). So eSportsBuy would certainly help boost Snapdeal’s vendor relations for those products and also help expand the product catalogue in that segment. For eSportsBuy, it would mean a bigger platform to be associated with and that can help it bargain harder with vendors, at least as long as it maintains the site independently. It could also draw synergies in operations, especially at the backend. For Snapdeal, this is the second acquisition to build out its business. In 2010, it had acquired group buying site Grabbon and that site now redirects to Snapdeal. com. Snapdeal also has the means to take the inorganic route to expand quickly. Last year, it had risen over $50 million in two rounds of funding – from Bessemer Venture Partners and Nexus Venture Partners – as well as from the existing investor Indo-US Venture Partners. Indias Top 10 Buzziest brands In February 2012, Snapdeal. com was ranked 7th in India in the Afaqs annual poll for buzz making brands, that the consumers found exciting enough to talk about. Online shopping site Snapdeal to increase headcount Snapdeal increased its headcount by adding 500 people by the next six months starting from March 2012. Snapdeal earmarks $20 mn for acquisitions Snapdeal. com has earmarked $20 million (around Rs. 100 crore) to make up to four acquisitions by 2012. Snapdeal set to enter music, movies and books segment In June 2012, E-commerce company Snapdeal. com ventured into music, movies and books segment one of the most lucrative segments for online retailing. Way Ahead Taking note of the way SnapDeal. com is expanding its reach and winning hearts, the future definitely looks very bright for the brand. Apart from geographic expansion, Snapdeal. om has forayed into new categories which have shown excellent traction in the brief period since launch. The two new categories introduced were – products and travel. The product categories include very attractive deals, typically 50 per cent off on products such as mobile phones, electronic gadgets branded fashion products, sunglasses wallets, an d among others. In the case of travel, SnapDeal. com features the best leisure and business travel destinations across India at national best prices. Competition for the brand though on face seems to be growing with the emergence and existence of other websites like ebay, tradus etc. Snapdeals Journey from Deal-a-Day Site to India Essay Example Snapdeals Journey from Deal-a-Day Site to India Essay Snapdeal’s Journey from Deal-a-day Site to India’s Largest Online Marketplace E-commerce, in the popular sense, can be defined as: the use of the Internet and the Web to conduct business transactions. A more technical definition would be: e-commerce involves digitally enabled commercial transactions between and among organizations and individuals. Ecommerce differs from e-business in that no commercial transaction, an exchange of value across organizational or individual boundaries, takes place in e-business. E-business is the digital enablement of transactions and processes within a firm and therefore does not include any exchange in value. E-commerce and e-business intersect at the business firm boundary at the point where internal business systems link up with suppliers. For instance, e-business turns into e-commerce when an exchange of value occurs across firm boundaries. Introduction Snapdeal is an ecommerce company headquartered in New Delhi, India. This online retail firm was founded by Karun Bahl, a Wharton graduate and Rohit Bansal, alumnus of IIT Delhi, in February 2010. Their website Snapdeal. om features a wide range of products and services from thousands of national, international and regional brands with a wide assortment of products across categories like mobiles, electronics, fashion accessories, apparel and footwear, kids, home and kitchen, sports, books, restaurants, entertainment and spas amongst others. Snapdeal has become a shopping destination for millions of online users across the country. Snapdeal enables small and medium sized retailers to cost effectively acquire hundreds of customers by offering discount deals at their establishments through its online e-commerce platform. We will write a custom essay sample on Snapdeals Journey from Deal-a-Day Site to India specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Snapdeals Journey from Deal-a-Day Site to India specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Snapdeals Journey from Deal-a-Day Site to India specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This leads to cost savings on the marketing side and leads to more brand awareness. History Snapdeal was started in February 2010 by Karun Bahl, a Wharton graduate and Rohit Bansal, alumnus of IIT Delhi. Snapdeal. com started as a daily deal platform. It was essentially a Group buying or crowd bargaining site which offered deals and discounts on restaurants, spas, car wash, etc. Snapdeal charged a marketing fee from the retailer for every deal sold on the portal. Bargain Website Model The services are usually for registered customers, who are informed of the deals through emails and text messages every day. The system works like this. A local store, a fashion chain or a restaurant approaches the bargain website with its best deals, and the bargain website in turn offers or sometimes auctions them to its members for a nominal amount to be paid upfront through a debit or a credit card. Customers get their coupons either through email or in the form of a text message or both. The retailers pay a stipulated amount  or a commission  for every redeemed coupon to the website. Group buying sites benefit from a relatively simple minimum number of buyers. The limited time period creates a sense of urgency, prompting impulse purchases. All interested buyers must provide their credit card information, but are only charged if the deal goes live. Little money is locked up in working capital because the group buying website either bills the entire amount of the purchase upfront and retains a commission before passing the rest of the payment onto the merchant, or charges a token amount and directs the user to pay the rest at the merchants site. If the deal does not materialize, the group buying site isnt stuck with any back inventory because the discounted service or item is sourced at the participating business. Buyers receive vouchers for their purchases via e-mail or text message and they have anywhere from one to three months to redeem the offer. Snapdeal’s idea was to give consumers a better price through deals if they purchase in greater numbers; and that was the basic premise of group buying websites that had emerged in India and in other parts of the world. According to Bahl, Jasper-owned group buying sites in general accumulated 350,000 registered users in just over six months of operations. This was proved right when Googles DoubleClick advertising arm posted the number of unique visitors for Indian group buying siteSnapDeal as 290,000 for the end of August 2010. IT for Differentiation In an effort to drastically improve the customer experience of its 4 lakhs subscriber base Snapdeal launched a revamped website which was far superior in terms of technology and performance. The new website, which was built on the latest technologies like Servlet 3. 0, had enhanced security and was highly scalable. The website load time is less than 2 sec. While being extremely advanced technologically, the website continued to be a user friendly interface, which helped it break the clutter among the otherwise similar looking group buying websites. This helped Snapdeal in becoming the largest group buying website with 65% transactional market by September, 2010, reaching a remarkable milestone of selling one coupon every minute on their website. The seven-month-old ventures revenues were increasing at 150 per cent month-on-month. Offering discounts of up to 95 per cent, SnapDeal. com used to its advantage the huge pile of distress inventory accumulated by retailers. It featured more than 2,000 retailers such as Ferns amp; Petals, Indiahikes, Fitness Studio, Bikanervala, Future Bazaar and XtremeSports Bar. The company received2,000 vouchers from one merchant in a day sometimes and was able to offer one new deal a day from each of the 30 cities it has a presence in. Each deal stayed on the site for not more than three days. According to Mr. Bahl, retailers of these services suffered from distress perishable inventory of as high as 80 per cent, and it worked for them to give heavy discounts to be able to offload the inventory within the expiry period. By the end of November 2010, the e-commerce phenomenon in India had a new Poster boy from obscurity 9 months back to becoming one of Indias most visited site Snapdeal. com had come a long way in a short span. By December 2010, Snapdeal was offering deals in four areas including dining, personal care, entertainment and travel. There was a tremendous response from various merchants as well. 90% of the service providers who had been featured on Snapdeal. com wanted to use the service again to attract customers. For the local retail services, it acted as a powerful performance based marketing channel to acquire new customers, while reaching out to a large base of prospective customers, without spending anything upfront on branding or advertising. And this channel was not restricted to small businesses alone. For instance, Carnation, which is Mr. Jagdish Khattars one-stop-shop retailer for cars, acquired 5000+ customers through SnapDeal in a span of 3 days. Many other merchants have had similar experiences. The e-commerce platform had worked wonders not only for Snapdeal, but also for many of its clients who were able to attract a huge set of new customers. In less than one year, it reached a subscriber base of 1 million attracting a $12 million investment round, led by Nexus Venture Partners and Indo-US Venture Partners. And the subsequent round of funding a few months later helped it raise another $ 40 million. Mobile commerce also proved to be an asset for Snapdeal. Another reason for the site’s rapid growth in 2011 came from its recently launched products deals business, in which Snapdeal sold branded lifestyle products, like fashion accessories, electronics, apparel, etc. at significant discounts. The products business was doubling each month and within three months accounted for 15 percent of Snapdeal’s total business. Its big idea was to move into products by taking its existing experience in local deals and combining it with a wide array of personalized product deals, especially in lifestyle e-commerce. This was the first step for Snapdeal towards the transformation to an online marketplace. In 2012, Snapdeal announced its foray into the ‘brand stores’ concept in which the company aimed to be an enabler for the thousands of local retailers who couldn’t reach out to the growing masses buying online. Each store had a login and a password for managing the assortment. Brands were able to decide the look and feel of their page, customize product selection, and manage promotions and exclusive launches. The Snapdeal platform was akin to multiple single-brand stores, many of these international. Regulatory issues would not apply to Snapdeal, as it was a marketing platform like eBay, and transactions carried out here were between merchants and customers; hence, following a ‘Zero Inventory’ model. The company also broadened its 200-category strong product portfolio  from one with mobile phones and laptops to one that offers fashion apparel as well. Now, it had moved from being India’s largest group buying website to being a competitor of the Indian online retail major Flipkart. What is an Online Marketplace? Market: An interaction mechanism where the participants establish deals (trades) to exchange goods and services for monetary payments (i. e. quantities of standard currency). Marketplace: In fundamental terms, a marketplace is nothing but a group of markets. Technically, a marketplace is the space (actual, virtual or metaphorical) in which a market operates. Online marketplace (or online ecommerce marketplace) is an ecommerce website. The product and is provided by the third parties, and the transactions are processes by the marketplace operator. Online marketplaces are the primary type of multichannel ecommerce. The transactions are delivered and fulfilled by the participating retailers or wholesalers. An online marketplace offers products from a wide array of providers. Hence, the selection is usually wider, availability is higher, and prices are more competitive (compared to vendor-specific online retail stores). SnapDeal’s Marketing Strategy In the beginning, the only form of marketing for Snapdeal was through social media, mainly Facebook, Twitter and various blogs. By the end of 2010, using radio, TV and even sponsorships, Snapdeal had managed to warm the hearts of an otherwise hard-to-sell internet-wary society. Snapdeal plans to drive marketing through ‘Analytics’ in order to move from mass media campaigns and focus more on data driven marketing techniques that ensure every rupee of marketing spend is measured. This helps them to analyze the buying behavior of the consumer and pitch a product to the target consumer accordingly. Latest Developments at Snapdeal Traffic Rankings According to Alexa the web traffic analytics company Snapdeal is 37th most popular website in India and 557th in the world as on July 2013. Most of the users are male aged between 18 to 26 years. Company is eying sales growth of over 2000 crore in 2013-2104. Snapdeal Vs Flipkart Snapdeal from the start of 2013 is catching up with India’s most popular ecommerce website Flipkart. Page views per user the metric which tells user engagement with the website is around 5. 5 for Snapdeal (increase of 1. 5 pageview per user from 2012) if we take last 6 months average, same is around 8 for Flipkart. Average time spent per user on website has also increased from 5mins to little over 6 mins which is a positive sign. There is good amount of competition between Flipkart and Snapdeal and users usually visit both of these website before making a decision to buy. Logistics They also have a shipping platform called Safeship, which has integrated large number of local and national courier companies so that there is no burden on the sellers to find a courier service. Sellers can track and manage movement of product by themselves. SnapDeal provides Cash on Delivery and EMI options which has got lot of favour from Indians as lot of them don’t have credit/debit cards, and those who have are sceptical of using them online. With the advent of interest free EMI option lot of Indians who don’t have immediate cash can use this option to pay principal and the interest in easy instalments. Snapdeal on Mobile Snapdeal has launched its mobile app both on GooglePlay for free. Through this app user can easily see mobile version of website as an app on their smartphones, improved search lets you narrow down search using sort and refine. Snapdeal hopes to increase its customer base as more and more people are using tablets and smartphones now days. App can identify user location and give customized deals for user of that city. Snapdeal User Reviews for Products Buyers can now review products by adding comments and stars against the items they purchase. Pros, Cons, and average rating lets the prospective buyers decide on various parameters before the make the purchase. Comments also engage buyers as they feel the part of the system and Indians are always good at reviewing. Social Media Integration Users can now share the products they like or buy on their favourite social networks like Facebook, Google Plus, and Twitter. These external links provide fresh web traffic to Snapdeal. TrustPay TrustPay protects customers with a 100% moneyback guarantee if there is any issue with product quality, size or delivery. Trustpay payment system can be used by other online retailers to connect to global payment systems of Visa/Mastercard. Snapdeal has filed for intellectual property protection for Trust pay because of the potential it has. Zero Inventory model Company does not hold inventory which has become important for any company operating in India as India has large supply side, which gives Snapdeal opportunity to collaborate with this unorganized and large supply side without making investments in Inventory. Also for large inventory one needs to hire thousands of people. Large logistics area, and high operating costs are incurred. Marketplace model also benefits when a seller wants to sell his unsold items quickly, which otherwise on retail malls can take considerable time. Most Lovable City: Online Campaign Snapdeal initiated mylovecapital campaign where people voted for their most loved city on the eve of Valentine’s Day of 2013. Voting for the event began on February 4 and the website recorded votes from people across the country. Delhi emerged winner with 53,174 votes followed by Mumbai with 49,010 votes and Srinagar with 29,047 votes from all over India on its website mylovecapital. com. It was an endeavour to bring back positivity and love for ur country, cities and its people. To publicize the event various videos were also uploaded on youtube. Anshuman, actor and singer campaigned for Chandigarh and Delhi, while stars such as Saniamirza campaigned for Hyderabad. Some major achievements for SnapDeal. com Snapdeal Buys Sports amp; Fitness Equipment E-com Startup eSportsBuy E-commerce firm Jasper I nfotech Pvt Ltd, which runs the daily deals and now horizontal e-com site Snapdeal. com, has acquired eSportsBuy. com, an online retailer of sports and fitness equipment and accessories. eSportsBuy was started in 2011 by IIT Delhi alumni Prateek Agarwal and Amit Monga. Snapdeal already stocks some sports equipment but these are not showcased as a separate category (we found badminton racquets featured in the ‘Kids amp; Toys’ category). So eSportsBuy would certainly help boost Snapdeal’s vendor relations for those products and also help expand the product catalogue in that segment. For eSportsBuy, it would mean a bigger platform to be associated with and that can help it bargain harder with vendors, at least as long as it maintains the site independently. It could also draw synergies in operations, especially at the backend. For Snapdeal, this is the second acquisition to build out its business. In 2010, it had acquired group buying site Grabbon and that site now redirects to Snapdeal. com. Snapdeal also has the means to take the inorganic route to expand quickly. Last year, it had risen over $50 million in two rounds of funding – from Bessemer Venture Partners and Nexus Venture Partners – as well as from the existing investor Indo-US Venture Partners. Indias Top 10 Buzziest brands In February 2012, Snapdeal. com was ranked 7th in India in the Afaqs annual poll for buzz making brands, that the consumers found exciting enough to talk about. Online shopping site Snapdeal to increase headcount Snapdeal increased its headcount by adding 500 people by the next six months starting from March 2012. Snapdeal earmarks $20 mn for acquisitions Snapdeal. com has earmarked $20 million (around Rs. 100 crore) to make up to four acquisitions by 2012. Snapdeal set to enter music, movies and books segment In June 2012, E-commerce company Snapdeal. com ventured into music, movies and books segment one of the most lucrative segments for online retailing. Way Ahead Taking note of the way SnapDeal. com is expanding its reach and winning hearts, the future definitely looks very bright for the brand. Apart from geographic expansion, Snapdeal. om has forayed into new categories which have shown excellent traction in the brief period since launch. The two new categories introduced were – products and travel. The product categories include very attractive deals, typically 50 per cent off on products such as mobile phones, electronic gadgets branded fashion products, sunglasses wallets, an d among others. In the case of travel, SnapDeal. com features the best leisure and business travel destinations across India at national best prices. Competition for the brand though on face seems to be growing with the emergence and existence of other websites like ebay, tradus etc.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Deviance In America-Gangs
Originally the word gang had no negative connotation. In Old English, gang simply referred to a â€Å"number of people who went around together-a group.†Today a gang can be defined in four basic ways: An organized group with a leader A unified group that usually remains together during peaceful times as well as times of conflict A group whose members show unity through clothing, language A group whose activities are criminal or threatening to the larger society. Gangs are one of the results of poverty, discrimination and urban deterioration. Some experts believe that young people, undereducated and without access to good jobs, become frustrated with their lives and join gangs as an alternative to boredom, hopelessness and devastating poverty. Studies have attempted to determine why gangs plague some communities but there has been no definitive answer. As a result, people working to solve gang problems have great difficulty. They find the situation overwhelming, and the violence continues. Miller best defines what constitutes the make-up of a youth gang. Miller states: â€Å"A youth gang is a self-forming association of peers, bound together by mutual interests, with identifiable leadership, wee-developed lines of authority, and other organizational features, who act in concert to achieve a specific purpose or purposes, which generally include the conduct of illegal activity and control over a particular territory, facility or type of enterprise.†(1) No groups completely fitting the above description of gangs existed in America until the early 1800’s, but from the beginning of the European settlement in America there was gang-like activity, especially when class distinctions came into being. Gang members tended to be from the poorer classes and tended to be from the same race or ethnic background. They banded together for protection, recreation or financial gain. In the early 1900’s the U.S. economy worsened, t... Free Essays on Deviance In America-Gangs Free Essays on Deviance In America-Gangs Originally the word gang had no negative connotation. In Old English, gang simply referred to a â€Å"number of people who went around together-a group.†Today a gang can be defined in four basic ways: An organized group with a leader A unified group that usually remains together during peaceful times as well as times of conflict A group whose members show unity through clothing, language A group whose activities are criminal or threatening to the larger society. Gangs are one of the results of poverty, discrimination and urban deterioration. Some experts believe that young people, undereducated and without access to good jobs, become frustrated with their lives and join gangs as an alternative to boredom, hopelessness and devastating poverty. Studies have attempted to determine why gangs plague some communities but there has been no definitive answer. As a result, people working to solve gang problems have great difficulty. They find the situation overwhelming, and the violence continues. Miller best defines what constitutes the make-up of a youth gang. Miller states: â€Å"A youth gang is a self-forming association of peers, bound together by mutual interests, with identifiable leadership, wee-developed lines of authority, and other organizational features, who act in concert to achieve a specific purpose or purposes, which generally include the conduct of illegal activity and control over a particular territory, facility or type of enterprise.†(1) No groups completely fitting the above description of gangs existed in America until the early 1800’s, but from the beginning of the European settlement in America there was gang-like activity, especially when class distinctions came into being. Gang members tended to be from the poorer classes and tended to be from the same race or ethnic background. They banded together for protection, recreation or financial gain. In the early 1900’s the U.S. economy worsened, t...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Single Displacement or Substitution Reaction
Single Displacement or Substitution Reaction A single displacement reaction or substitution reaction is a common and important type of chemical reaction. A substitution or single displacement reaction is characterized by one element being displaced from a compound by another element.A BC → AC B A single displacement reaction is a specific type of oxidation-reduction reaction. An element or ion is replaced by another in a compound. Single Displacement Reaction Examples An example of a substitution reaction occurs when zinc combines with hydrochloric acid. The zinc replaces the hydrogen:Zn 2 HCl → ZnCl2 H2 Here is another example of a single displacement reaction: 3 AgNO3 (aq) Al (s) → Al(NO3)3 (aq) 3 Ag (s) How To Recognize a Substitution Reaction You can recognize this type of reaction by looking for a trade between one cation or anion in a compound with a pure substance in the reactants side of the equation, forming a new compound in the products side of the reaction. If, however, two compounds appear to trade partners, then youre looking at a double displacement reaction rather than a single displacement.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Identitys Role in Internal Politics of Eastern Europe Countries in the Essay
Identitys Role in Internal Politics of Eastern Europe Countries in the Context of Globalisation - Essay Example Globalisation is perceived differently by different individuals with some believing that it presents new opportunities while others see inequality, and hindrance of national sovereignty. In Eastern Europe, new countries have emerged from the collapse of communism governments that is the Soviet Union and the Yogoslavia, therefore developing new political identities (Genov, 2010). Countries like Poland have emerged from decolonisation hence acquiring different political systems from those of their colonisers. Most of the Eastern Europe countries have originated from authoritarian regimes, which had their identities repressed. Therefore, Eastern Europe countries engage in politics and economic systems that are distant from their colonisers, even going to the extent of changing their entire political systems. Lawmakers ensure that laws match the citizens’ sense of national identity hence satisfying their people’s roles, goals, and values (Schneider, 2010: 931). This paper w ill examine the role of identity in internal politics of Eastern Europe countries in the context of globalisation. Eastern Europe is a place that is diverse historically, culturally and geographically. The people living in Eastern Europe are of different ethnicities where they even speak different Indo-European languages. Eastern Europe is made up of four sub regions. There is the Baltics comprising of countries such as, Estonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Lithuania, and Latvia. The second sub region is East Central Europe comprising of countries like; Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Slovenia. The third sub region is Eastern Europe with countries such as, Moldova, Belarus and Russia. The fourth sub region is the Balkans or Southern East Europe with countries like Macedonia Bulgaria, Albania, Croatia, Herzegovina, Ukraine, Romania, and Bosnia. Those countries that are adjacent to Western Europe and centrally placed have adopted similar identities and most have joined the Europ ean Union, therefore, embracing globalisation (Cernat and Murrell, 2002:119). Other Eastern Europe countries that are far placed do not have shared identities with Europe and with the different ethnicity, religions, and political issues, many are considered volatile. Globalisation is defined as a process requiring the reduction of territorial boundaries so as to allow interactive and interdependent worldwide forms of to spread. Globalisation brings about the dissemination and spread of culture, politics, and economy from particular locations to worldwide magnitude. In addition to free movement of cultural values, money, people, and ideas, globalisation calls for mutually beneficial relations (Martel, 2009:461). Its dominant processes of regionalisation (Cernat and Murrell, 2002:119). Identity, whether cultural or national, can influence politics in that lawmakers will attempt to develop policies that will represent the values of its citizens. Policymakers will strive to create forei gn policy laws that will ensure the country’s sovereignty remains strong even among regional economic allies. A country’s national identity is not set at a certain level; therefore, adjustments can be made, allowing the citizens to adopt new interests and values. National identity is simply an illusion that people from one country or region can have about who they are. As globalisation sets in, some national identities evolve and a global perspective is adopted. Politicians sometimes act to serve their best interests of retaining power, when they draft laws that do not allow easy integration or cohesion between a nation and other foreign countries. They usually view integration as a threat, looking to reduce their power. However, globalisation is
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Scale Construction Evaluation Project and report Essay
Scale Construction Evaluation Project and report - Essay Example A., & Lefcourt, H. M. ,1983; Miczo, N, 2004) It alleviates stress and can be resorted to in building stronger interpersonal relationships. Studies on humor’s implications on physical health have likewise been done and it shows that â€Å"there is very little evidence of stress-moderating effects of humor on health-related outcomes, using existing self-report measures of sense of humor and life events measures of stress†(Martin, 2001, conclusion, para. 13). However, it was also contended that certain types of humor may be effective with certain types of stress. Self-report measures of humor have been developed and used in studies on humor. The Situational Humor Response Questionnaire (SHRQ), (Martin & Lefcourt, 1984) measures respondents’ degree to which they smile and laugh in a wide variety of situations. The Coping Humor Scale (CHS), (Martin & Lefcourt, 1983), participants evaluate how they use humor as a coping strategy. The Sense of Humor Questionnaire (SHQ-6), (Svebak, 1996) evaluates different components of the humor process and the Multidimensional Sense of Humor Scale (MSHS), (Thorson & Powell, 1993) investigates different humor behaviors such as humor creation and humor appreciation. In 1999, Martin and associates (Phulik-Doris and Martin, 1999) developed a humor scale measuring four humor styles: Social humor (tendency to share humor with others to put them at ease and enhance relationships); Self-enhancing humor (tendency to maintain a humorous outlook on life even when not with others, to cope with stress or to cheer oneself up); Self-defeating humor (tendency to amuse others by self-disparagement to hide one’s true feelings from self and others); and Hostile humor (tendency to use offensive humor to put down or manipulate others). This 60-item Likert-type format questionnaire has been developed and validated by Puhlik-Doris and Martin (1999) in a large Canadian sample. This original version of the Humor Styles Questionnaire was
Saturday, November 16, 2019
What are the relevant facts Essay Example for Free
What are the relevant facts Essay According to this case, Stacy is a new employee of a local CPA firm, who is on probation and asked to perform an advanced level jobs, because this firm has a heavy turnover. There are some morale and organizational problems with this CPA firm, so that a psychologist is brought into assess these problems. Both Stacy and other employees in this firm point out the same management problems, and some employees even have resigned from this firm. Stacy is helping interview candidates for the open accounting positions. What are the ethical issues? Generally, Stacy has a duty of loyalty to the firm when interviewing prospective job candidates. There are laws require that an employee refrain from behaving in a manner that would be contrary to his employer’s interests. But this duty of loyalty is not absolute; it is influenced by the responsibility and trust between employees and employers. Therefore, even Stacy has a duty of loyalty to the firm, he also can judge if employers’ decisions and arrangements are right. He has no duty to provide truthful information to candidates. What are the primary stakeholders? The partners of the CPA firm, Stacy, all other employees of the CPA firm, and prospective employees of the CPA firm, and clients are primary stakeholders. What are the possible alternatives? First, Stacy can resign from this CPA firm, if he thinks he can not do for the firm any more. Second, Stacy can be loyal to the firm and do what he is told to do. Third, he can tell the truth to the candidates about the information of this firm. What are the ethics of the alternatives? First, based on utilitarianism, Stacy should keep loyal to the firm and do not make frank communication with the candidates. Because this is related to his own job, he has to keep him away from being fired. Second, based on rights, candidates have rights to know the true information about the firm, so Stacy should tell them the truth. Third, based on fairness, tell the truth seems to be fair for candidates and him. But he may loss his job because of frank communication. This is an unfair burden for Stacy. What are the practical constraints? If Stacy tells the true information to the candidates and new employees about the problems at the firm, he might be reprimanded again or even be fired. It may also influence him when seeking a future job. What actions should be taken? Stacy may try to adapt the advanced level job by learning more skills, so that he can avoid making the same mistakes again. He can keep loyal to the firm when he is interviewing the candidates, and remind the new hires some problems privately. He can also make suggestions to the CPA firm.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Flood of Epic of Gilgamesh and Book of Genesis of the Holy Bible :: Epic Gilgamesh essays
 The Flood of Gilgamesh   Perhaps the most popular comparison with Noah's Flood is that of an ancient Babylonian story of a similar flood. A quick look at the text does show some key similarities between them however there are also some pointed differences. I will show you both and let you decide whether there is or is not a connection.      First let us look at the similarities:          *It is set in the Iraqi/Turkey area.....similar to the Biblical Flood.          *A man is warned by a god to build a ship so he could survive a coming flood, sent by the divine powers.          *The man is told to save himself, his family, and a sampling of all living things.          *The boat was to be sealed with resin inside and out.          *A set time is made by the divinity for the flood to begin.          *The flood includes both rain and water from the surface.           *The flood covered the mountains.           *The boat came to rest on a mountain first.           *Birds were released to test for whether or not the waters had receeded. In the Biblical account, a raven and a dove were released. In the Gilgamesh account, a dove, swallow, and raven were released.           *Once out of the boat, the man offers a sacrifice to the divinity which brings comfort to the divinity at the sweet scent of the sacrifice.       Now for the differences:           *The Babylonian tale never says why the gods chose to save the man in the story. It was pretty much dumb luck. In the Bible, Noah was a rightous man amidst a population of evil.           *The boat dimensions are quite different. The boat in the story of the Babylonian flood is a cube, equal on all sides. While in the Bible, Noah is told to build his Ark in a 450x75x45 ratio. This ratio is what is known to ship builders as the perfect ratio for stabilty for a boat but it was not known until the 15th century AD. The Gilgamesh boat, being equal on all sides, would have been wildly unstable and unseaworthy.          *The Babylonian man took seven days to build his boat while Noah took 120 years. Why would such a numerology rich people use such a non-numerology number as 120 when seven was already in the story?
Monday, November 11, 2019
Egt1 Task 1
EGT1 Task 1 In this paper I am going to define a few common economic terms and explain their relationships to other economic terms. I will also explain how profit maximizing firms determine their optimal level of output and how a profit maximizing firm will react to different levels of marginal revenue. Marginal revenue is the extra revenue that will be made by a firm when the firm sells one additional unit of a product.Total revenue is simply the sum of a firm's sales of a specified quantity of a particular product. So, while marginal revenue is telling how much extra money selling each additional product will make a firm, total revenue is telling how much the firm will make by selling a given quantity. Marginal cost is the what it will cost a firm to produce one more unit of product. Total cost is the total economic cost a firm incurs for producing a given quantity of a certain product.Profit is simply the a firm's total revenue after the firm pays for its operating costs, and prof it maximization is the the course of action that a firm takes to determine how much they will produce and what they will charge per unit of production in order to provide the firm with the greatest possible profit in either the long run or the short run time frame of a firm.A profit-maximizing firm determines its optimal level of out put by finding the point where marginal cost is equal to marginal revenue. Meaning that, when the cost of producing an additional, or extra, unit of product is equal to the amount of extra revenue. This point is the peak of the firm's profit maximizing potential. An additional unit of product after this point will only result in costing the firm money, rendering marginal revenue as zero or negative.If a profit maximizing firm's marginal revenue is greater than marginal cost, the firm will continue adding another unit of product to production as long as marginal revenue is greater than or equal to marginal cost. If a profit-maximizing firm's marginal rev enue is less than marginal cost, the firm would need to reduce its output to the point of optimal output where marginal revenue is again equal to marginal cost. EGT1 Task 1 References McConnell, C. R. , Brue, S. L. , & Flynn, S. M. (2012). Economics: principles, problems, and policies. New York: McGraw-Hill.
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