Thursday, October 31, 2019
Knowledge Management in Healthcare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Knowledge Management in Healthcare - Essay Example This paper would expound on the need for and how Knowledge Management is adopted in healthcare, what problems does it address, what are the considerations to maximize its total benefits, what factors may hinder it from being an effective tool in effecting development in the field of healthcare and what are the importance of transferring the explicit knowledge.. "Healthcare organizations are facing many challenges in the 21st Century due to changes taking place in global healthcare systems. Spiraling costs, financial constraints, increased emphasis on accountability and transparency, changes in education, growing complexities of biomedical research, new partnerships in healthcare and great advances in IT suggest that a predominant paradigm shift is occurring. This shift is necessitating a focus on interaction, collaboration and increased sharing of information and knowledge which is in turn leading healthcare organizations to embrace the techniques of Knowledge Management in order to create and sustain optimal healthcare." (Sharma et al., 2005) Indeed healthcare plays by the rules of the economy and the society too, it lends itself vulnerable to the limitations of the body administering it. As acquiring information does not come without a cost, readily available yet reliable information are sought for, thus the role of Knowledge Management to regulate and pass on information. (Tandon, Angrish, Anand, 2006) Knowledge Management, though having relative definitions sums up the process of creating, controlling, channeling and transferring knowledge assets to address competitive advantage and optimal performance. (Morgan, Doyle, Albers, 2005) In healthcare, most especially in nursing care, knowledge continuity is posed as an organizational challenge. In the US, there is a high turnover rate among hospital staff-already amounting to 20% (Morgan et al., 2005). This dynamics breaks the links of transferring knowledge from old to new employees leading to poor acquisition or transfer of valuable knowledge assets. In basic terms, knowledge is shared through a "traditional scholastic medical education" through "textbook based" learning, and acquiring lessons through experience and mentorship. Although this, in the beginning, could let the workers harness best business practices, it could also mean lack of diversification in knowledge unless branching out to different hospital units is initiated. "There are a number of organizational benefits to KCM [Knowledge Continuity Management] such as decreasing job turnover costs, increasing organizational effectiveness, improving training for new employees, facilitation of organizational learning, speeding the maximal productivity of new employees, and improving the decision making and decreasing the process errors of new employees." (Morgan et al., 2
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Mistakes in Business Start-Up Research Proposal
Mistakes in Business Start-Up - Research Proposal Example  In my case, I shunned the idea of daily record keeping, and at times I found myself having put no record of a day’s job. According to Pinson & Jinnet (2006), record keeping can be described as the backbone of the operation of any kind of business, no matter how minute the profits may seem. At one moment in my business, I found myself keeping substandard records that at times were recorded at the back of several exercise books in my office. In the long run, I could barely make out what records were of what date and which attendant did what. During the Christmas season when the sales were too high, it became exceedingly overwhelming for me to deal with the numerous clients getting into the store for new bicycles or even spare parts. It is almost obvious to indicate that my store incurred huge losses which took place as a result of double sales, and improper calculations whilst making sales. Pinson & Jinnet (2006) indicate that with proper record keeping, the entrepreneurs are able to develop a sense of accomplishment in their work, unlike entrepreneurs who do not keep records. With the feeling of having let things run on their own, has been recorded to be suicidal for businesses. In the case of businesses selling products of high demand like in the case of my business during the Christmas period, with many caregivers in need of presents for the festivity, I held the opinion that I did not manage the business right from the onset.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Reflective Analysis Of A Students Induction Week
Reflective Analysis Of A Students Induction Week Reflective Analysis has gained a high level of recognition in higher education, it is now used to structure students learning ability, Reflective Analysis as helped me to be able to analyse and assess current and past events, situation and experience. Ann Mathews (2007) state that it is a way whereby an individual turn out to be self independent so as to be able to solve problems the purpose of reflection depends on hypothesis, this deals with putting into practice all the achieved knowledge from academic and organisational environment, its also deals with the skills and ability that an individual has to pass these achieved information to someone else with the aim that the person with hit upon the information judiciously. Kolb (1975) state that when an individual comes up with ideas and re-assess old knowledge into learning however it also deals with turning or re-cycling old and new experience learnt into knowledge so as to use them for future purposes this is an important aspect when writing a report in higher education because it helps students to come up with new and old ideas on how problems are solved. These are what I attained while writing my applied management project: 1) Reflective learning helped me while writing my applied management project because I was able to come up with past and present experience and this aspect helped me in analysing all the necessary concepts on how to get and compile informations so as to achieve my aims and objective. 2) Reflective learning as also helped in turning my experience to learning, these has helped me to assess seriously all the process of learning and as also improve my learning experience academically. RECOLLECTION OF EXPERIENCE Now that the induction week is over, it is now time for me to commence with my dissertation, the induction week lasted for 1 week and it started on the 8th of February 2010 which was on a Monday although we were divided into two cohort and I was lucky to be part of cohort B, the first day of the induction was generally about the introduction to the unit which was given by Vincent Org and Peter Patrick, the second day was more interesting because Alan Bullimore and Peter Patrick talked about how to source for informations and referencing, on that same day we were all asked to form a group of seven to eight member and topics where given out to each group accordingly, on that same day Steve Briggs and Prof Brain Mathew talked about writing a report, Plagiarism and TurnitinUK, During this lecture we were told that the rest of the week will be a group discussion and we will be able to ask necessary questions about the topic from how tutors and we where also told that after the ends of the se induction week no one will be able to receive any help or assistance from any tutor. After the end of the induction week I realised that it was time for me to commence with my chosen topic although I came across a lot of challenges, this gave me a lot of concern because I was the only person in my group so I had to no one to exchange ideas with, I had to draw up a strategy to monitor my progress while I was busy writing on my chosen topic, I knew I had to start searching for relevant journals and articles which helped me a lot to understand what the topic was all about, I had no choice than to build up courage more over this is the finally stage that will determine if I would be awarded a master degree in Logistics Business and Management. Even though this is my second attempt, I knew I had to prove a point by making sure that I dont make that same mistake I made while I was writing my first chosen topic, while writing on my chosen topic I noticed some shortcomings which I realised that I had no choice than to tackle or find a solution to them. The follow were my sho rtcomings SHORTCOMINGS 1) Insufficient Fund: while I was writing on my chosen topic, I came across some relevant articles and journal online which were for sale and very expensive to purchase, this particular weakness was heartbreaking because at that particular moment I was not financially stable to purchase all the relevant journal and articles online. 2) Lack of understanding: Understanding the chosen topic was another challenge I faced while I was writing on my chosen topic, at first I had less idea about how to come up with relevant and necessary information and particularly the kind of information I need to include in the headings and sub-headings, I spent a lot of time on these before I figured out things. CORRECTION MADE 1) With the help of the learning resources centre, I was able to get more journals, articles, magazines, books and newspapers relating to my chosen topic, corporate social responsibility. 2) I had to call my sponsor about my present financial situation, I was given all the necessary support I needed, this really helped me because I had more opportunity to assess more journal, articles and books online. GROUP FORMATION On the 9th of February 2010, Vicent Org and Peter Patrick asked everybody in each department to form a group of seven to eight members, unfortunately I am just the only person in my group because this is my second attempt, there was no-one to relate or exchange ideas with, I had to some up courage within myself so that I would be able to accomplish my aims and objectives of coming to the university of Bedfordshire to study, I drew up a strategy which I used to check my progress while I was writing my chosen topic, I gave myself a target which I had to meet up with at the end of each day. LEARNING EXPERIENCE Although this is my second attempt that I am writing this same module (Applied Management Project), I have gained a lot of experiences both from my first and second attempt, writing a dissertation is a huge challenge so I had to apply all the necessary skills learnt from both past and present knowledge. These are the lessons learnt while writing on my chosen topic: 1) I have learnt how to be efficient and effective in problem solving and also produce a quality outcome. 2) I am capable of handle my own learning and career process efficiently and effectively. 3) I have learnt how to be self motivated and this as also improved my decision making skills, I can now work on my own without getting assistance from group members. 4) I have learnt how to manage my own time set a realistic target and monitor my progress while working on my chosen topic. 5) With the help of Alan Bullimore and Peter Godwin I have learnt how to search and retrieve important and relevant information from recognised sources. LESSON FOR FUTURE PROJECT 1) Time Management: Time management is an organised use of common sense tactic and planning, when writing or embarking on a project or dissertation, one should be cautious about time management because it basically deals with how and when to meet up with targets if it is used effectively and efficiently, time should be made for errors and corrections, I now see time management as a continuous process in life in other to achieve aim goals and objectives. 2) Self Management: Self Management is the actual process of utilizing time marginally and making a technical decision so as to achieve ones aims and objectives, before embarking on a project one as to have the following attributes: self confident, self reliance and self control, these qualities are very important while writing a project or before embarking on a project because they help during and after the research process. 3) Measuring Performance: When writing a dissertation, it is advisable for students to set up a realistic tactic or strategy which will be used to measure their progress while writing on their chosen topic, this lets students know if he or she is working as scheduled, these aspect helps to achieve the major aim of writing this project which is handing in the project or dissertation before deadline. 4) Risk Management: Risk Management is a process of minimizing risk not actually eradicating the risk but counting the loss before the situation occurs, while writing on my chosen topic I had to create the risk of set backs in my target so as to accomplish my mission or else I might have encountered obstacles which might cause delay or set back in my project. 5) Loss of work and Plagiarism: When writing a report or dissertation, it is necessary that all the vital informations and datas gathered are saved in a safe and secured place to avoid damage, furthermore while writing on my chosen topic I was careful about coping directly from authors, inaccurate referencing and chunking because It is a serious academic offence. PERSONAL ENCOUNTER The applied management project is a formidable tax; it has being a terrible experience for me because I had to write this particular module all over again, although the module as facilitated me in gaining more knowledge and also applying these gained knowledge to real life situations. I came across several complications while writing on my chosen topic, the first problem I came across was how to analyse and evaluate my chosen topic; since I was the only person in my group I had no one to exchange ideas and relevant informations with, I had to build up courage so as to achieve my aim and objective which is handing in a good report and rounding up the report two weeks before deadline so as pass my report to my brother to proof read so that necessary corrections can be made, furthermore other difficulties were sourcing for relevant journals, articles, newspapers and books but following all the informations gathered from the induction weeks I was able to draw up strategies on how to tackle this problems and to the best of my knowledge my strategies worked out fine. WRITING THE INTRODUCTION This is a very important part when writing a report or dissertation, I found it really difficult to start writing the introduction because it took awhile before I could apprehend what my chosen topic was all about, I had to go into a serious research so as to have a full idea about the topic, because I wanted a good and perfect report I came up with a strategy to guide me through the process of writing on my chosen topic, this strategy was really helpful since i used it to monitor my progress while writing on my chosen topic, it took me up to two weeks to round up this part, moreover because of my kind of topic I had a lot of informations to discuss on, despite the fact that I was struggling to round up this part I realized that I had some distractions which resulted to me relocating from Luton to Merseyside so as to achieve my key aim and objective of coming to the university of Bedfordshire to study. WRITING THE LITERATURE REVIEW This is the most complex part when writing a report or dissertation, I had to take my time to compile and gather informations since the literature review determines ones strengths and weakness on the chosen topic, furthermore this part of the report requires me to prove to the reader the kind of knowledge, facts and ideas that I have set up on the chosen topic, this part is a channel concept which consist of problems, issues and basically argumentative theories, according to my laid down strategy it took me up to a month to round up this part because I was checking and scrutinizing my work so that I dont get myself involve in plagiarism and chunking. WRITING THE ANALYSES AND DISCUSSION This part is another difficult aspect when writing a report, it entails evaluating, analysing and discussing all the relevant informations in the previous chapters, it took me one week to round up this part because it requires careful interpretation and discussion of each headings and sub-headings furthermore I make sure that all my arguments were logical and reasonable. Although this part was not really taxing because I was self-assured that I was on the right track. Although I came across challenges while writing the analyses and discussion but I was able to tackle it with the help of my laid down strategy and previous experience. WRITING THE CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Coming up with a reasonable and logical recommendation and conclusion was another taxing experience because it requires proper concise, clarity, consistency, accurate and objectivity, I spent a lot of time trying to round up this part so as to make my report interesting and attractive, I had to lay emphasis on all the literatures I studied and also explain how they justify or contradict each other, with the help of my laid down strategy it took me up to four weeks to round-up this part. CONCLUSION The process of writing this dissertation as been a great experience and achievement for me, even though this is my second attempt I have been able to motivate myself morally and academically on how to be efficient and effective in whatever I encounter in life, This module (Applied Project Management) is a vital aspect during the process of a masters degree programme, I have learnt all the necessary requirements, process, methods and structures of writing a standard and professional detailed report. In addition, through out my learning process at the University of Bedfordshire I have being able to develop my presentation skills, analyse and evaluate academic write-up, business issues and finally gaining a deep understanding about my course (Logistics and Business Management). Finally Applied Project Management is basically about the development of academic skill and ability.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Statement of Educational Philosophy Essay -- Philosophy of Education T
Statement of Educational Philosophy A person’s philosophy of education is important because it affects the way that their classroom will be run. To be a good teacher, a person should genuinely like the students and want to make a difference in their lives, giving them the confidence to succeed. There are many things that go into developing an educational philosophy: The nature of the students, the nature of knowledge, the purpose of education, the method of education, and the curriculum. I believe that every student is very different. Each student should be treated as an individual and not be just grouped together without any personal identification of their own. Most children seem to learn better by watching adults rather than listening to them, hence the old saying, â€Å"actions speak louder than words.†Children seem to be pretty stubborn and want to find things out for themselves. For example, you can tell a child over and over again not to touch a hot stove but it may not really sink in until they touch it that one time and get burnt. This is also an example of children wanting to do their own thing. I agree with Foucoult in that most humans desire the power to have their own way. In my opinion, knowledge is both relative and absolute. Some things are constructed while others are discovered. For example, the sun rises in the east. This was discovered many years ago and is true everywhere and throughout time. A person that writes computer programs constructs knowledge. They take different pieces of knowledge and put them together to develop new things and new knowledge. Some knowledge is always changing because of the technological advancements in today’s society; however, some things never change. I... that everyone should know Calculus, but people should have a basic knowledge of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. These basic skills are essential to everyday life and I think that everyone should be able to use them. In conclusion, I feel that education is a very important thing. Everyone should be educated at least in the basics. People should care about themselves and want to make themselves the best that they can be and not just settle for what they are. Education should instill the desire to achieve in our students. New things are discovered everyday. Keeping up with society can be difficult but I definitely think that it has its rewards. I feel that God has given me a gift for being able to help others by teaching. I want to do all that I can to help shape the future of our society by using my talent to the best of my ability.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Knowledge of the business Essay
Another research study, by Michael J. P. Whyte (2004), called Enterprise Architecture – the Key to Benefits Realization, stresses the importance of being aware of exactly what the business is about before change management can be implemented. Whyte (2004) discusses why business who have installed increasing amounts of computing hardware and software over the last three or four decades have not been able to realize the expected benefits (p. 2). In his study, Whyte outlines the following contributing factors that have lead to such non-realization of benefits: ? Manner in which IS projects proceed. Whyte criticizes most projects for merely being stuck in the discovery phase of the project. This involves simply defining the current situation, systems or processes. During the discovery phase of a project, certain architecture-like artefacts are produced, such as process diagrams, entity relationship diagrams, and infrastructure diagrams, all of which form the basis for the new project. According to Whyte, the fundamental problems with these artefacts are that they are created within the context of the project, and are thus seldom correct and almost never complete. They deal with the aggregates found in the current situation and do not identify the primitives upon which the new architecture must be based. As a result, these â€Å"artefacts†are not maintained and extended after the project is completed, precisely because they were based on the current situation prior to implementation of the project (Whyte, 2004, p. 3). ? The silver bullet mentality According to Whyte, this is another major obstacle in benefits realization. Whyte criticizes how vendors offer the latest and greatest hardware, the newest and most complete software suite, or the most up-to-date methodology to help companies in implementing their benefits realization programs. The problem with these offers, according to Whyte, is that they do not fit together. They cannot fit into any overall scheme which satisfies a particular organization’s needs since the organization’s needs are undefined in the first place (Whyte, 2004, p. 4). Whyte recommends what is called Enterprise Architecture to deal with the two factors identified above. Enterprise Architecture helps the organization to full define its current state and to precisely determine the things that need to be changed. All aspects of the propose change can be quickly assess and the results can be analysed and quantified. Enterprise Architecture involves both the integration of the business aspect and IS in change management. It provides a means to capture the knowledge which makes the business work, and makes this knowledge available for the ongoing benefit of the business. In other words, it provides a blueprint of the business, a complete picture of the business and all the components which make the business work. Such knowledge is quantified and captured as data so that it can produce information to be used by another person in a company, making change management thus not person or individual-centred. When a person who instigated the change management leaves, his or her replacement can easily pick up where he left off since knowledge of how the business works is readily available (Whyte, 2004, pp. 4-6). In obtaining this knowledge, Enterprise Architecture involves the use of the Zachman Framework. This framework involves the use of thirty models which are required to fully define an enterprise. Each model must be explicitly recognized and implemented. According to Whyte, â€Å"Each row of the Zachman Framework takes a unique perspective of the enterprise (planner, owner, designer, builder, subcontractor). Each column deals with a primitive interrogative (what, how, where, who, when, why). Each of the thirty intersections of these rows and columns identifies a unique model of the enterprise. Each model is unique – it is not an elaboration of a higher level model. Each higher level row provides requirements for the row beneath, but each perspective, hence, each model is unique†(Whyte, 2004, p. 6). â€Å"All models in a column are related by a fundamental meta-model (entity-relationship, function-argument, node-link, agent-work, time-cycle, ends-means). As the models are developed ‘as is’ for an enterprise, it is unavoidable that discontinuities will be discovered between the higher level models (planner’s and owner’s perspective) and the lower level models (builder’s and sub-contractor’s perspective). This is because current corporate systems have usually been built starting at the lowest levels with no regard to the higher level models. So naturally, the functioning enterprise is NOT a true representation of what the corporate management desires†(Whyte, 2004, p. 7). In other words, Whyte recommends Enterprise Architecture as the means to bind an organization’s business side and IS side into a fully functional whole entity. Knowledge of the entire enterprise, from top to bottom, is necessary in order to determine not only the current situation but the framework on which change management should be based on.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Employing Strategy in a Competitive Environment Essay
Question # 1- Create an environmental scan for the company indicating the most significant environmental threats and discuss how the company should respond to each threat to ensure that the impact to the business is minimal. Companies and industries are constantly impacted by their surroundings. For example, â€Å"all companies operate in a macro environment shaped by influences [including threats] emanating from general economic conditions; population demographics; societal values and lifestyles; legislation and regulations; technology; and closer to home the industry and competitive environment in which the company operates (Thompson, Strickland, & Gamble, 2010, p.56). Companies have an inner and outer ring in their macro environment. Happenings in the outer or inner ring of their macro environment may occur rapidly or slowly, sometimes even without advanced knowledge or warning. However, the major forces and factors that can have the largest impact on shaping the strategy of a company will normally pertain to the company’s â€Å"immediate industry and competitive environment–the actions of rival firms, buyer behavior, supplier related considerations, and so on†(Thompson, et al., 2010, p.57). All of the major influences and threats will be discussed below. This discussion will include how Sky Renovations Inc. (SRI) will respond to each threat to ensure that the impact on the business is kept at minimal. Economic Conditions Today’s economic conditions are a great advantage for SRI. Because of the current foreclosure market, there is more property that is available to enable SRI to renovate, rent, and resale properties. There are so many different stages and types of foreclosures, including the pre- foreclosures, the auctions, and the real estate owned (REO) properties, SRI will have no problem finding its market niche (Caplin, 2004). Population Demographics The current population demographics show that there are many†baby boomers†that are in the process of retiring. Some of these â€Å"baby boomers†have been life-long tenants. Some of these people will be first time home buyers and some will be in the process of purchasing another home, where a prior home may have been loss during the past economic turnover. â€Å"Demographics are not quite destiny but do exert a powerful influence on future housing demand†(Belsky, 2009, p. 99). SRI will make sure that population demographics will be carefully considered in all operations and expansions within the company. Societal Values and Lifestyles Societal values and lifestyles will determine the very existence and expansion of SRI. The determination of how clients and customers choose to live will determine the profitability of the company. SRI must make sure that its core values, mission statements, and vision statements coincide with the society’s values and lifestyles for this specific era. A strategic vision will point SRI in the desired direction, plan SRI’s strategic path, and form its organizational identity (Thompson, et al., 2010). Legislation and Regulations SRI must be very sensitive to the legislation and regulations that will be surrounding the foreclosure and real estate markets. These laws and regulations will determine SRI’s competitive advantage over other companies entering the market. Since much of SRI’s business depends on its ability to buy property at a discount and sell or rent this property at a discount or affordable price, SRI much stay abreast to and legislative and regulative changes in regard to the real estate and renovations industry. Technology Technology is changing at such a rapid pace. SRI must keep the accurate, proper, up-dated computer equipment, and websites to make sure that SRI’s presence and availability is accessible to any client or potential clients. These technological up-dates must be done on a regular and consistence basis. This will give SRI a physical and web presence on a local, national, and international level. The factors, issues, and occurrences that are found in a company’s industry and competitive environment should be considered the strongest of the external threats.†However, the factors and forces in a company’s macro-environment having the biggest strategy-shaping impact typically pertain to the company’s immediate industry and competitive environment-the actions of rivals firms, buyer behavior, supplier-related conditions, and so on†(Thompson, et al., 2010, p. 57).
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