Saturday, May 23, 2020
Practice in Identifying Helping Verbs in English
A helping verb (also called an auxiliary verb) is a verb (such as have, do, or will) that comes before the main verb in a sentence. This exercise will give you practice in identifying helping verbs. Instructions Each of the following 15 sentences contains at least one helping verb. Identify the helping verb(s) in each sentence, and then compare your answers with those on page two. Keep in mind that more than one helping verb (such as has been) can be used in front of a main verb. In addition, remember that sometimes another word (such as not) separates the helping verb from the main verb. My sister has promised to come with us to the Thousand Islands.Sam and Dave will prepare a PowerPoint presentation for the class.I must return to Yellowstone National Park to appreciate its significance and astonishing beauty.We should read another book by E.B. White.We should not waste our time watching TV.My brother will be flying out of Cleveland tomorrow morning.We have been studying all week for the final exam.Katie has not been studying very hard.My car was stolen by a couple of kids out for a good time.I can help you tonight if you will drive me home later.Thousands of people, braving the cold and the rain, had been waiting for hours for the band to show up.Tony and his friends are bored with their lives, and so they are always looking for trouble.I know that I must make a decision soon, but first I may ask my teacher for advice.Marie could not start her car this morning, so she will probably not go into work at all today.I have finished the quiz on helping verbs, and now I am going home.  Below are the answers (in bold) to the practice exercise in Identifying Helping Verbs. My sister has promised to come with us to the Thousand Islands.Sam and Dave will prepare a PowerPoint presentation for the class.I must return to Yellowstone National Park to appreciate its significance and astonishing beauty.We should read another book by E.B. White.We should not waste our time watching TV.My brother will be flying out of Cleveland tomorrow morning.We have been studying all week for the final exam.Katie has not been studying very hard.My car was stolen by a couple of kids out for a good time.I can help you tonight if you will drive me home later.Thousands of people, braving the cold and the rain, had been waiting for hours for the band to show up.Tony and his friends are bored with their lives, and so they are always looking for trouble.I know that I must make a decision soon, but first I may ask my teacher for advice.Marie could not start her car this morning , so she will probably not go into work at all today.I have finished the quiz on helping verbs, and now I am going home.
Monday, May 11, 2020
My Childhood Memories Of A Middle Class Family - 1040 Words
I was born in a middle-class family in southern China. Both of my parents are white-collar workers. We lived in a small apartment with an old turtle. As the only child, my parents have a lot of expectations for me, but become an artist is not one of it. Like what they said, There are not art cells in our body. After all, we are just ordinary people. In my childhood memories, I was not allowed to play outdoor like other children because I am really easy to get sick. My mom quit her job in order to take better care of me. According to her, my favorite activity was to scribble on the wall, I have my masterpiece on any place in the house that I can touch. My mom very supports suck activity, and sometimes she would even join me. I remember when I was five, my mom bought me a drawing pad with 12-color pencils as the birthday gift. From now on, you are not allowed to draw on the wall! she said. But I do it anyway. When I was in elementary school I will stay at my grandparents house during weekdays, and spent the weekend with my parents. I performed well in school, especially in drawing class. I always brought back all kinds of work I did in class to show them. My mom will hang them in a prominent place on the wall. Anyone who comes and visits us will see those works. Although they are surprised about my potential talet, but no one suggests that I should go further with drawing. Time flies, I graduated from elementary school, and went into junior high. I still draw,Show MoreRelatedBiosocial Development And Biosocial Development1276 Words  | 6 Pagesdiscontinuous development that is occurring at various stages of their young and middle child life span. In each section of my paper I plan to include specific subsections on the biosocial, cognitive, and psychosocial development of my chosen subject. This chosen subject will be my eleven year old sister, Faith Elizabeth Lattimore. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Reservation Documentation Free Essays
1. 1 Statement of the Problem We want all of our system releases to go to production seamlessly, without defects, where everyone is aware and informed of the outcomes and status. The general problem of the client is they need a computerized system that can reserve the room and resort that they want, for them to be easy to list the number of rooms that is available, this system will emphasize the difference of using the manual reservation and the computerized reservation. We will write a custom essay sample on Reservation Documentation or any similar topic only for you Order Now The Paradise tours is the company who needed this computerized system for reservation, It is important to fix this problem because if we will not focus in this robber, it will be hard for the Paradise tours staff to list the activities that they need to list, if our system could help their problem then they will not have hard time to reserve their customers room. 1. 1 The Current State of the Technology Apparently, the business establishment is currently using the traditional manual system of Reservation processing. That of which includes the facilities, amenities, pools, rooms of the said company. Considering that it is a large line of business that’s Why they needed the computerized system for them to manage the reservation process in 1. 2 Objectives * To avoid manual and repetitive work Real time information of availability of rooms * Improving decision making * To provide a web site that can allow a user to search and reserve a hotel room or cancel his/her reservation over the internet anytime. * To record details of various activities of the user. 1. 3. General Objectives * If we’re using Manual reservation, it may consume more time in listing the information for reservation. When using our system, it will be easier for the staff record and manipulate the information in reserving. * It will be clearer to see the availability of rooms, so you can know already if the room is available or not. Enhances your decision ability in choosing. * It will be easier for the customer to bro wse the different information of different resorts and hotels and at the same time, if they changed their mind, they can cancel or change their reserving schedule. You can see the log activities of cancelled reservation, occupied rooms, etc. Managed by the user. 1. 3. 2 Specific Objectives 1 . To increase the security between the management and staff. And easily to save and retrieve files through computer. 2. To lessen time consume. In Just one click you can browse and you can see easily see the accommodation of each toll and restaurant and also the promo they give than the manual reservation, you need go to the hotel or resort to inquire to. 3. To spend less time in searching and retrieving of files. By using our database you can easily search, retrieve and also add anything you want in just one click than the manual step or reservation 4. To become make easier to find the availability rooms. You can easily browse and see the availability of each rooms and their accommodation, just you need to do is to their website than go to their place instantly. 1. 3. 3 Scope and Limitations This study is conducted to know the reason behind the represents on how will their purposed systems will help the Hotel Management. Hotel Reservation System is fully scalable and designed to provide extensive flexibility and varied choices. Typical hotel reservation and commerce hotel system software reclassification’s currently in p lace and available today are technically designed to achieve only one objective function, which to connect BUYER TO SELLER. This study mainly focused on providing retailing business application using computerized system that enables businesses to track services and aims to provide accurate and reliable recess on every transaction especially in a hotel and resort reservation. This study looked into a better impact of using technology today on how it affects our daily lives especially for being the customer. With this studies it can help our beneficiaries to know the differences of using manual system to a computerized generation today, prioritize is to prove and to give them the right information. Limitation Hotel Reservation System is designed to manage all types of hotel bookings, made directly by guests . Lets powerful hotel reservation, marketing ; merchandising features give you the ability o control dynamic room or tour allotments, distribute confidential trade rates, provide varying rates and commissions, multiple seasons, distributing last minute rates, multi-currency including the Euro and so much more. The hotel reservation system will allow you to dynamically control most of your hotel reservation without the need for expensive web designer. The existing system only provides text-based interface, which is not as user-friendly as Graphical user Interface. The transactions are executed in off-line mode, hence on- line unless it is opened by the user. 1. 3. Methodology of study waterfall Model (OSDL) The system Development Life Cycle (OSDL) is a traditional methodology used to develop, maintain and replace or enhance information system. The main reason OSDL model is chosen because in OSDL it is possible to complete some activities in one phase in parallel with some activities of another phase. The life cycle can also be interactive that is phase are repeated as required until an acceptable system is found. Phase 1: Project identification and selection In this phase the project information system needs are identified and analyzed such identified the title of the project that is Web Based Computerized Hotel and Resort Reservation, scope and objective of the Computerized Hotel and Resort Reservation. Phase 2: Project Initiation and Planning During this phase the chart has been developed as a time line to determining the task involve in developing the Computerized Hotel and Resort Reservation. Phase 3: Analysis In the phase, the existing system is studies by collecting the information through the Internet and analyzed the information to get alternatives for the use of proposed system. Phase 4: Design Logical design is the fourth phase in OSDL methodology. The functional features chosen for the proposed system in Analysis phase are described. Part of the logical design of information system is to devise the user interface. The interface plays an important role to connect the user with the system and is thus extremely important for the security of users. 1. 3. 5 Data Gathering Procedure and Output These are the procedure or tools for gathering our data in research used as basis for our conclusions or making our system. Some of our procedures are interviews, observations, research and analysis used by the proponents as they conduct the proposed study. Interview: we interview of some hotels and resort about their different accommodations and other important information the we need to know and what details we need to input into our systems and to have an idea about the reservation of a hotel or resort Observation: we observe different hotels and resort of how they operate their business, we also observe for us to know what is the advantage and limitations of manual reservation system through computerized reservation system. Research and analysis: also hotels and resort for getting important information we need. How to cite Reservation Documentation, Papers
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